CJ Kenna

outreach Trainer

CJ is an Certified Trainer with The Monroe Institute and a member of their Professional Division. An award-winning entrepreneur, she holds degrees in both psychology and business, is a Trailblazer Lecturer at Thomas College, a Master Teacher at Husson College, and has been a featured teacher at Canyon Ranch, Lenox where she taught her Hemi-Sync based minishops, "Meditation Made Easy" and "One Breath." A certified intuitive medium, CJ also writes, records and produces for the Maine-based radio program Esoterica.

CJ Kenna is a cofounder of The Haven Institute in Camden, Maine. The majority of programs at Haven use Hemi-Sync because just by listening, doors to seemingly endless levels of awareness can be safely and easily accessed by anyone, and from these expanded states, we can explore and heal and transform and transcend and accomplish and experience profound life-changing things.

CJ's favorite quote: "If we did everything we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” - Edison


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