Trainer - Deryn Winchester

Deryn has been involved with the Monroe Institute since 2013.

Her curiosity in energy medicine and consciousness led her to the Monroe Institute in 2002. She has returned every year since then to take a program. In 2008 Deryn became a regional coordinator for the Local Chapter Network (LCN), and then joined the LCN Leadership Council in 2014. Beginning her career at Monroe as an outreach trainer, she hosted workshops in the Washington, DC area. Deryn is passionate about helping others to fulfill their potential and have fun while expanding their consciousness.

Deryn was introduced to Chinese medicine as a young child, which led her to search out other paths of healing over the years. She has been a biofeedback specialist since 2006 and helps others balance their physical, mental, and emotional stress by education and understanding of electromagnetic frequencies. Along with her biofeedback, she uses flower essences to shift consciousness and increase awareness.

Deryn has a M.Ed. and was a certified Montessori elementary and toddler teacher for over 20 years. She started the first Montessori toddler program in Kentucky and assisted in creating one of the first Montessori middle schools in the United States. Deryn made sure that the children meditated, did yoga, and listened to binaural beats on a daily basis.

While not exploring the astral plane, she loves to visit sacred sites around the world and unlock the mysteries that our ancestors left behind.

“To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.” Robert Louis Stephenson