Beyond Earth Life
Observe, experience, and transcend limiting beliefs as you go beyond the Earth's life system to discover your true Self.
Explore the infinite space of Focus 27, plus other areas of unexplored consciousness beyond the Earth Life System. You have the unique opportunity to observe, learn, experience, and transcend limiting beliefs as you come to know more of where you came from, where you are going, and your true Self.
This program empowers you to experience deep, targeted states of consciousness. Through participation in this program, you have the potential to experience:
A Special Tour – returning to your place in Special Place in Focus 27, you will obtain an overview of other areas you will explore in more detail
The Entry Director – learn about some of your own personal histories, and the steps in preparing to enter a physical body
Educational Opportunities – opportunity to ask for a personal demonstration of how the Education Center functions
Healing and Regeneration Center – receive a personal experience for whatever healing, regeneration, or balancing you are most in need of.
The Planning Center – observe and participate in the place which oversees energy patterns in the Earth Life System.
Coordination Area – meet the energy beings responsible for maintaining and managing this area of Focus 27 and learn about opportunities for further growth and development.
Inner Earth – meet with the Intelligences who maintain the physical Earth and explore the different mineral kingdoms as you make your way to the inner Earth core.
The Absolute – unique opportunity to experience graduating from the Earth Life System.
Beyond Earth Life is offered in an online Moodle classroom
It is taught by using Wave VIII "Union". This course is intended to be completed in three weeks. You can, however, adjust the schedule to meet your needs.
A trainer will support your questions through a weekly 1-hour video conference
Through online discussions and shared experiences, you will be part of a collaborative learning community. A knowledgeable and skilled Monroe trainer will be your guide throughout the program as you learn to use new tools for deeper levels of meditation and self-discovery.
Experience the power of Hemi-Sync© audio guidance technology. Learn tools and techniques that allow you to quickly and easily enter into expanded states of awareness.
Embark upon an odyssey of self-discovery!
Wave VIII Union - Explore other possibilities in the infinite space of Focus 27, plus other areas of unexplored consciousness beyond the Earth Life System.
Course Materials and Enrollment
The course fee includes detailed written lessons, and other support materials (articles, videos)” that will be accessible to you online.
The course fee does NOT include the audio exercise You may purchase the audio exercises Wave VIII separately from our store.
Once you've purchased your "Beyond Earth Life" online course, you'll receive instructions for completing your program application and creating your Moodle account and the program schedule.
Maximum enrollment, 30 students

The audio exercises used in this program are the original binaural beat hemispheric synchronization exercises developed by Robert A. Monroe. They were designed to facilitate specific expanded states of consciousness relevant to this program and are owned by the Monroe Institute. These exercises are not available for commercial resale.
Grab your headphones, find a quiet place to relax and enjoy this free audio sample. Experience the deep relaxation and instantaneous expanded meditative state of Monroe's neural entrainment technology.
Learn more about the history of Monroe's neural entrainment technology >
What You Get
In addition to the program materials and audio exercises, you will receive the following benefits.

Trainer Facilitation
Throughout your program a Monroe trainer will be there to answer your questions and support and guide you.

Learn Valuable Tools
Explore, navigate and use the non-physical aspects of your own higher consciousness.
Dates & Locations
Upcoming Retreats
Please make sure the program you are registering for is held in your time zone.
No programs currently scheduled