Exploration 27

Consciousness explorer Robert A. Monroe defined Focus 27 as the area beyond the limits of the Earth Life System. Exploration 27, known as X27 to Monroe Institute participants, takes you on a cutting-edge journey to a place of unlimited creation using audio-guidance technology. 

Experience unexplored areas of consciousness. Your exploration takes you beyond The Park and Reception Center, which you explored in earlier Monroe retreats to four unexplored areas of consciousness. Explore the Education Center, Planning Center, Healing & Rejuvenation Center and Coordination Center in exquisite detail.

Discover your true self. Focus 27 is a very powerful state of awareness that offers vast opportunities to connect with creativity, information and healing on your quest for self-knowledge. It opens you to the universal love energy which encompasses all the peacefulness, joy and essence of your true self. 

Receive insight into your personal journey. While in the Focus 27 centers, you’ll take away unexpected knowledge and insights to support your personal consciousness journey—past, present and future. Visitors like you frequently retrieve historical data, investigate artifacts and explore ideas for new creations. Don’t be surprised if you also connect with nonphysical intelligences. This is common when you use Focus 27 as a springboard for visiting Focus 34 and Focus 35.  

Invite healing and regeneration. In this state of regeneration and rejuvenation, you may invite physical healing, emotional healing or release, forgiveness, or the chance to strengthen your basic life force. The choice is yours. 

Explore your “I-there consciousness.” Never heard of I-there consciousness? It’s Bob’s term for an energetic composite of all your personalities and experiences from other lifetimes that have informed your understanding of the planet, the universe and yourself. It’s readily available to you in Focus 27.         

Know where you came from and where you’re going. When you return from your journey beyond the Earth Life System, you’ll bring with you experiences from “there” that can be anchored “here.” You may sense a deeper connection to daily life, a greater awareness and understanding of yourself, or a clearer understanding of reality. Many people bring back a new skillset that includes better exploratory skills and stronger nonphysical communication skills. 

This advanced program is open only to graduates of Lifting the Veil, Lifeline or Peak Week.  To hold a spot—make your reservation early!

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Exploration 27

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