She helped me to notice the beauty in everything. She taught me that there is a gift in every experience.

I have much to be thankful for.

Sure, that statement may sound cliché, and perhaps it is, but, bottom line, it’s just plain true! While preparing to write this blog, I opened to the memory stream of times and events in my life for which I am deeply grateful. They bubbled up effortlessly and copiously—my teen and young adult years with Bob Monroe and the extraordinary opportunities he gave me—that peak experience on my 15th birthday, his sending me to Silva Mind Control and the Findhorn Community; the special audio frequencies I listened to while falling asleep and in the isolation booth sessions at Whistlefield. Revisiting those memories, and so many more, fills me with thankfulness.

Digging deeper, I encountered the fundamental lessons in gratitude given to me by Nancy Penn Monroe, my mother. From the time I was a little girl, Mom opened my eyes to the beauty of the world and the power of appreciating it. In the midst of a task she would pause and draw my attention to the perfection of dew sparkling on a delicate spider web, or the heart-opening grandeur of the sunset; even the captivating sound of the car's tires crunching on gravel as we drove down the road. She helped me to notice the beauty in everything. She taught me that there is a gift in every experience.

It’s about paying attention, getting out of a mental frame, being aware, looking for the magic, spider webs gleaming. Everything goes back to light.

That approach to life is huge for me. It enriches me, makes me happier. It became my landing place—my center. In any situation, you have to ask, “What’s the gift?” It’s about paying attention, getting out of a mental frame, being aware, looking for the magic, spider webs gleaming. Everything goes back to light.

Filled with youthful fervor, as I struck a match and lit Bob's cigarette for him one evening, I told him I wanted to help change the world. Bob chose that occasion to teach me that there is no need to change the entire world. It starts with lighting a match, then one candle, and that flame ignites another, and so on. The light expands and proliferates. That’s what is going on here, at TMI. It’s all about the light of consciousness that continues to spread.

Gratitude feels good, there’s no mystery there. But it’s also a brilliant tool for gaining understanding about an issue. An “attitude of gratitude” helps to unhook from judgment. Gratitude shines a light on the gift in every experience. It helps me realize what’s here for me. I can hear Bob’s voice in my mind. “Get a different overview. Get out of local traffic!”

Of course, it’s one thing to aspire to a different overview and quite other to achieve it. Focus 12 has long been one of my favorite Focus levels for many purposes, including guiding me out of local traffic and into the peace and insight of a “12 state” of consciousness. I’ve always loved the “Free Flow Focus 12” exercise from the Gateway Experience® album, Threshold.

Each candle lit by another expands the light. All flames are significant.

Music is a marvelous tool as well. Hemi-Sync® and SAM with music are power tools! Some of my favorite attitude-shifting Metamusic® CDs are Graceful Passages and Shaman’s Heart, as well as SAMusic's Aqua Aura and Silver Wings.

One of the greatest gratitude triggers for me is the people of TMI; witnessing your generosity of spirit, time, effort, and resources given with love to the work—and play—of the Institute. Each candle lit by another expands the light. All flames are significant. The glow is stunningly brighter now than when Bob lit the first candle.

We offer a free ebook — In Memoriam: The Legacy of Robert A. Monroe  stories from people around the globe whose lives have been forever changed for the better through Bob’s work. Enjoy it. And know that their flames and yours are lighting the way for us all.

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Nancy H. McMoneagle

Monroe President & Executive Director (Retired)

Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute from 2014-2019, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 - 1991.