The new year is here already, and it arrived ‘hitting the ground running,’ so to speak. Especially after the rough tone of the world these last two years, it’s important to step away from the past and set positive, inspiring resolutions to benefit our future. I’m always the first person to set New Year’s Resolutions … and then make charts and lists and plans on how to accomplish them. While I’m not saying to go that extreme, I think it’s a great idea, now more than ever before, to set your new year’s resolutions and work towards achieving positivity in your life. But how can we start?

Well, first, it’s important to note that your resolution doesn’t need to be too extreme or out-of-reach. In fact, the more intimidating our goals are to us, the less likely we’ll work towards them. After all, if your goal doesn’t feel attainable to you, it’s likely you’ll give up on it quickly. So, think about reasonable goals that are just out of reach—goals you can work towards this year that will bring you joy and inspiration. And go with those! Perhaps, your resolution is to bring more joy into your life? That’s an easy baby step that can have a very positive impact on your future. 

If you feel better in nature, schedule weekly walks or hikes out in nature and stick to them. ... Add it into your schedule!

Once you have chosen your resolution, think about the baby steps to implement it. If your goal is to bring more joy into your life, think about what brings you joy. Do you love meditating? Do you miss that childlike wonder you used to have? Do you like nature? If you feel better in nature, schedule weekly walks or hikes and stick to them. Pick places that are nearby and easy to get to, that also make you excited to visit, to help ensure you’ll go on your. Add it into your schedule! This way, it feels more real, and you’ll be more inclined to go when that weekly time comes around. Amplify your time outside by getting a telescope to look at the stars at night or a bike to go on rides around your neighborhood. 

There’s no joy to be had if you’re in a bad place, so put aside weekly time to meditate and focus on what makes you happy and what you can do to receive that joy. Ask your guidance what the best direction is for you to go to receive this joy.

If you feel you’re missing that childlike wonder, do things that you used to love to do as a child. Never feel any shame in playing. Build a fort in your living room, get an inflatable pool to spend time outside during the summer months, and find excitement in the little things. 

Progress on your resolutions, however small, can bring motivation and excitement, so celebrate any and all progress on your journey.

Lastly, shift your mindset. There’s no joy to be had if you’re in a bad place, so put aside weekly time to meditate and focus on what makes you happy and what you can do to receive that joy. Ask your guidance what the best direction is for you to go to receive this joy. And be sure to come from a place of gratitude. If you take 5 minutes each day in the morning to meditate and feel gratitude for each thing you love in your life—your home, the fact that you have shelter, your food, your children, your fur babies, your job, anything you have that makes you happy—you’re much more likely to begin truly feeling the gratitude in your meditation. And gratitude is the perfect place to start to find joy. 

Then, try to journal of how your resolution journey is going so you can see your progress! Progress on your resolutions, however small, can bring motivation and excitement, so celebrate any and all progress on your journey.

I have set daily hour-long writing goals for myself, as well as check-in times to meditate on my resolutions.

For my resolutions this year, one of the big ones is completing a book I neglected writing last year. I have set daily hour-long writing goals for myself, as well as check-in times to meditate on my resolutions. By holding myself accountable, feeling grateful for what I have, and picking a resolution that I enjoy, I expect to go the distance with it. 

Remember to set your resolutions, plan baby steps to achieve them, and begin accomplishing your goals with gratitude. 

Achieving our goals, no matter how big or small, can add feelings of accomplishment, joy and positivity to our lives. In a time when the world isn’t exactly in a healthy state overall, it’s important to focus on our own positivity. A great way to start that is personal growth through our new year’s resolutions. So, this year, as you move forward in your journey, I hope you find joy, love and excitement. Remember to set your resolutions, plan baby steps to achieve them, and begin accomplishing your goals with gratitude. 

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.