When most people hear about the Lifeline program at the Monroe Institute, they usually think about death. They have heard that Lifeline is about providing a service for those who have crossed over. While performing retrievals is a large part of Lifeline, there is so much more to it than that. You learn a great deal about yourself through your retrieval experiences. Between spending time in familiar Focus levels and experiencing new ones, you remember aspects of who you are that you may have lost. By creating your special place in Focus 27, you can remember and learn more about what makes you comfortable. And when you perform a retrieval with the intention to find a part of yourself, you may be blow away by what you can recover and heal within yourself.

Learn about yourself while re-acquainting with your practice.

When I began my experience in the Lifeline Virtual Retreat, it had been a while since I had explored the full spectrum of Focus levels that we covered in my Gateway Voyage program. I remembered each Focus level well enough, but I wasn’t quite practiced in many of them. I had been manifesting frequently in Focus 12, but I had almost forgotten the power of manifestation that exists in Focus 15. So, within the first couple of days in the Lifeline program, I was re-acquainted with all the Focus levels up to 21.

I was able to refamiliarize myself quickly with my “I-There”. I knew some of these personalities, but I also met new ones. Speaking with them helped me to remember places that brought me joy, something I truly needed at this time.  

Re-acquainting myself with these focus levels helped me re-connect with aspects that I had been neglecting. I found that I receive many important messages in Focus 12, yet I had forgotten this. And as I began exploring the spectrum of Focus levels covered within the program, I was able to refamiliarize myself quickly with my “I-There”. I knew some of these personalities, but I also met new ones. Speaking with them helped me to remember places that brought me joy, something I truly needed at this time.  

Perhaps the most profound change in Lifeline happens to many as they enter the Belief System Territories. Here, we analyzed the beliefs we have that do and don’t serve us.

When we had time to explore in Focus 27 and experience the Healing and Rejuvenation Center, I was absolutely blown away by a revelation I had about healing. I’ve never been called to heal, but as we were seeing this center, I remembered a healing technique I must have known from another lifetime. It was so familiar to me even though I had no recollection of using it before. It was the process of healing on a molecular level. Seeing the strength in my molecular structure as it was pulled apart and put back together with healing perfection. I also reconnected with old guides and met some new ones in Focus 27.

Perhaps the most profound change in Lifeline happens to many as they enter the Belief System Territories. Here, we analyzed the beliefs we have that do and don’t serve us. In this territory, I recognized that there’s so much our minds can do but my beliefs limit my mind’s potential; clearly, they don’t have to.

This was a very intense and rewarding day for my fellow participants, as well, who all admitted that they never realized how important it is to let go of beliefs that no longer serve you. All of these experiences in new and old Focus levels both reminded me of aspects of my I-There that I have known while introducing me to new ideas. I was able to learn a great deal while reconnecting with my practice.

Discover your special place, which tells you a lot about who you are.

During Lifeline, you will be prompted to create your “special place” in Focus 27. The most fascinating part about this for me was that I had visited my special place many, many times before; I just didn’t realize exactly what it was or what it meant to me before this program. The main section of my special place immediately showed me where my mind goes for safety- what I require in any environment to feel comfortable and at home. Then, a portal in there took me to a different part of my special place, a garden I once knew well many lifetimes ago, something I hold onto very dearly that was physically lost that I can forever experiences metaphysically in my special place.

When you’re able to just sit back and observe what makes you feel safe, who you have been, and what you used to value, you receive an elaborate lesson on who you are now and why.

Remembering this place in fuller detail not only helped me to connect with an aspect of my I-There, but it also taught me about the values that have stuck with me for many lifetimes now. When you’re able to just sit back and observe what makes you feel safe, who you have been, and what you used to value, you receive an elaborate lesson on who you are now and why.

Retrieve parts of yourself.

For me, one of the most exciting parts of Lifeline was performing a retrieval with the intent to retrieve a part of myself. I went into this exercise fully trusting that the process would work, and it was a success.

As I went into Focus 12, which I see as a circular archway of portals and possibilities, I saw different aspects of my “I-There” in each archway.

Then, as I got to Focus 27, I asked for guidance, and a beautiful little girl appeared before me with a button-nose and dark blonde hair. She was wearing a wreath of flowers and a white dress. I saw her face clearly and immediately knew her name was Elizabeth.

We held hands and went down to C23 where I clearly announced I was looking for an aspect of myself to retrieve. I already had an idea of who I would find, as I saw her there before. And there she was! There was a version of myself in a flowy dress in a field. This version of me held and played with a young girl. As she turned to me, she explained, “I have had many names in several lives- Selene and Rachel, Victoria and Elizabeth...”

I experienced her glee as I stood in the field with her, and my stomach grew big with child. And there was bliss- a connection to another like I have never felt in this lifetime. Then, I saw myself with the child, playing in the field.

I realized that I had lost this connection recently with the death of my cat, Tobi. Finding this again was a treat, and perhaps I can now let go and learn to love again fully with my whole heart.

I felt this lost piece was the love of a mother and child- the feeling of love, care, worry, fear for something or someone far greater than I could feel for myself. It was the feeling of motherhood, of the connection between a mother and child. I never quite had it with my own mother in this life, so it was almost foreign to me. But I remembered quickly that it was something I had known in many lives, and I would know it again.

I was able to associate this feeling in my current life with my pets. I realized how much I loved them far beyond myself. But I realized that I had lost this connection recently with the death of my cat, Tobi. Finding this again was a treat, and perhaps I can now let go and learn to love again fully with my whole heart.

Needless to say, I discovered so much about myself in Lifeline. I went from discovering new facets of my practice to reconnecting with who I once was all over the course of a day. I realized how easy it is for me to jump from Focus level to Focus level without much effort (and realized that this is both good and bad- because there are times I want to jump back too quickly.) It pointed out the strengths and weaknesses in my practice.

And in the “Vibe Flow” exercise, I had a magical journey going back through the happiest days of my life, when I lived in a small community in the woods as a child. I was able to walk through my old home and connect with each detail, each feeling, each aspect of it once again. And I was able to do that with all the places I grew up that I held dear. It was a nice, unexpected journey to reconnect with who I was when I began this lifetime. And it was beautiful.

We can never predict our journeys, and Lifeline was a perfect example of that. I learned just as much about who I was at one time and who I am now than I did about helping those who have crossed over. And it was a fantastic ride.

If you're a Gateway Voyage graduate, join us for the next Lifeline retreat!

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out www.maloriesadventures.com for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.