When a friend of mine suggested the Law of Attraction retreat, I had to give it a lot of thought. There are so many programs at Monroe that I want to attend, and this one was not the next one I had in mind, particularly since I already knew a lot about the Law of Attraction.

I have been following this work for the last 10-15 years, and was very familiar with the principles behind the Law of Attraction, as well the things that facilitate and interfere with manifestation. As a psychologist, I have also been rather skeptical about the many claims of manifestation, particularly because of the complexity of human behavior and how difficult change often is. However, after reading the bio of the group leaders, and knowing how much I love being at Monroe, I decided to go.

“After going home, I was amazed at the number of synchronicities I was experiencing, and continue, two months later, to experience—things falling right into place with ease and with minimal effort.” 

It was a really wonderful experience. The presentations were well organized and the group leaders very knowledgeable. They shared many experiences of their own of "The Law of Attraction in Action," and we had many exercises and learned many strategies, that we could take home with us, to help us create what we desire. And the Hemi-Sync® exercises and meditations were truly wonderful. The group bonded very well, we laughed a lot, and we had a lot of fun together.

After going home, I was amazed at the number of synchronicities I was experiencing, and continue, two months later, to experience—things falling right into place with ease and with minimal effort. I found that the intensity of the experience, over an extended period of time, in the amazing setting of Monroe, really helped to re-condition my thought patterns, and has made it very easy for me to immediately recognize a thought that is not in alignment with the vibrational frequency that I would like to maintain. While the principles underlying the Law of Attraction are really quite simple, the application is the challenging part, yet the group leaders were able to bring it all together to create a powerful, and lasting retreat experience.

For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

Note: Hemi-Sync® is a registered trademark of Interstate Industries Inc., dba Hemi-Sync®. 
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Manhal Wieland

Monroe Program Graduate