Thank You!”

Doesn’t it simply feel good to say Thank You? Acknowledging gratitude, expressing gratitude—being in gratitude—reminds us that we are not alone, that we have Received something wonderful.

Human history and culture are full of gratitude celebrations. Here in the USA, the Thanksgiving holiday will be celebrated this Thursday, November 26. Special food and fellowship will be shared with loved ones, in person and on the internet, as we focus on what we’re grateful for, what we love.

What are you grateful for? In this unusual time of physical distancing, how are you sharing the love? When you tune in to Love, what do you sense? How does it feel in your body? In your mind-consciousness? Love is your birthright.

The Monroe Institute is an organization and a worldwide family. When we sit down together at the metaphorical table, surrounded by family members, we are grateful for you! We thank you for your energy, your resources, your encouragement, and for your companionship on our shared journey of awakening.

Joining in the spirit of gratitude, all things are possible.

We invite you to relax into in this powerful 10-minute meditation, “Expressing Gratitude.”

Use it as often as you choose. There are many mental and physical health benefits to be gained from expressing gratitude. It fosters empathy and helps to strengthen your relationships and connections with all life.

You are the gift!

Thank you!

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Monroe Institute

The world's leading education center for the study of human consciousness.

For over 40 years the Monroe Institute has been welcoming consciousness explorers from all over the world. Our nondogmatic experiential approach allows you to pursue your own personal exploration of human consciousness.