If you can dream it, you can see it. If you can see it, you can live it! 

Vision boards have become a popular tool in today’s world. Being able to see a reminder of what you want in your near, immediate and distant future can motivate and push you to work towards your goals. Even on a base level, hanging a vision board above your desk can give you a small nudge to work towards your dreams bit by bit each day. But did you know that vision boards can offer more than that? 

Vision boards, more than anything else, offer you a strong visualization of the future you want.

Vision boards, more than anything else, offer you a strong visualization of the future you want. A good vision board can provide you with picture symbols of what you want to manifest in your life. And that’s the real power behind it. 

Visualization is a key tool for manifestation. 

I’ve heard the following many times from many sources: the universe responds to pictures. When you are looking to manifest what you want in life, many experts say the best way to do that is to see yourself living the life you want! If you want to buy a home, focus your daily meditation on manifesting your home by visualizing yourself walking within it. See each room with as much detail as possible down to the color you’d like the walls to be. Be sure to include the feeling this will give you, as well. 

But, more importantly, as I focused on manifesting my new home, I focused on a feeling of safety and abundance.

I took the SyncCreation course during the COVID-19 lockdowns when I was stuck at home. My husband and I were renting a house without any thought of purchasing our own home. One day, we both woke up with our intuition pinging and we just knew it was time to start looking for a house. So, daily, when I conducted my meditation sessions, I visualized the house I wanted to find. I saw the number of rooms we needed and the colors I’d like them to be. But, more importantly, as I focused on manifesting my new home, I focused on a feeling of safety and abundance. I saw myself sitting outside of the home feeling content, happy and without worry. That was one of the most important factors, as I was tired of living in an area where I no longer felt safe. 

My personal vision board.

A few months later, my husband and I put down our first deposit on the new build, a home that had exactly what we both wanted and needed. More importantly, after moving in last month, I walk my dog each night around the neighborhood in an environment that feels completely safe, peaceful and separated from the chaos of where I once lived. 

The stronger you envision yourself living the future you want, the more you will magnetize that future to you.

And this doesn’t just work for houses. If you’d like to manifest a new car, it helps to see yourself in the car, feel yourself in the driver’s seat and feel the seats against your body. Imagine smelling that new car smell. 

The stronger you envision yourself living the future you want, the more you will magnetize that future to you. And a vision board is just that—an opportunity to allow yourself to SEE the future you want so you can manifest it in your life each and every day. You just need to start from a place of inspiration and gratitude. A vision board is a powerful tool to help begin your manifestation journey. 

What to think about when you create your vision board.

When you create your vision board and begin inviting new opportunities into your future, be sure to express gratitude for each thing you already have. As I created my vision board last year, as I placed a visual representation of the home I wanted to manifest, I also expressed a deep gratitude for the home I was renting and recognized all I loved about my current residence. It’s important to keep a positive outlook with every aspect of your vision board. 

As you select photos to put on your vision board, be sure to think about all aspects of a well-rounded life. Think about your career, your home, your family, your community, your hobbies and the trips you’d like to take. Find a photo that resonates powerfully within you to represent each aspect of the life you want and put it aside for your board. 

To create your board, I’d recommend finding a foam board background instead of regular poster board so your vision board can last the length of time you need it to. Get creative. Stick photos of the most important things you want to bring into your life. Use inspiring images, but also feel free to keep it fun and creative. Don’t be afraid to play with colors, paints, mantras and more. This board is less about how it looks and more about how it inspires you! So, utilize crafts and tools that inspire you! 

There are even apps for vision boards now! ... Having a vision board can be incredibly inspirational while providing a sense of excitement for what is to come.

One exciting element of the digital world is that there is an app for everything. There are even apps for vision boards now! This makes creating your vision board even easier. You can change up your vision board quickly and effortlessly with each dream you accomplish. Once you’ve checked something off of your list, you can switch it out for the next big dream simply by replacing an image. If you go this route, I’d recommend taking a screen shot of your digital vision board once it’s put together so you can save it as a background on your phone. This way, you are constantly reminded what you are striving for each day, and it may give you a gentle nudge to meditate and focus on your manifestation more often.

Having a vision board can be incredibly inspirational while providing a sense of excitement for what is to come. Vision boards help remind us what we are working towards. They can also be a powerful tool in our manifestation practices by providing us with something to visualize. By seeing ourselves in the lives we want, we can help the universe send us the future we desire. 


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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out www.maloriesadventures.com for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.