Susan Bishop

outreach Trainer

I am Susan Bishop, a very appreciative and equally curious sixty-three year old woman, writer, producer, entrepreneur, world traveller, nature-lover, mother of two successful, grown children, and life-long explorer of human consciousness. After a long-standing professional career as a business owner, producing and creating numerous scientific, medical, legal, educational and entertainment properties for myriad clients and audiences, I am now retired from that world, and fully engaged in recovering remarkably well from a very high-risk, complete spinal reconstruction.

My goal is quite like Bob’s: if I can spare one person what I went through to come to know myself and trust that I had created and do create my very existence - perhaps my voice, sharing that universal truth will be heard by another and understood. My message is not new; it is timeless and eternal. Everyone who discovers this truth desires to share it in the knowledge that we are all one, and as one, we feel called to be of service to one another.

In my case, with my earliest memories, I found that I was drawn to return to what I called, ‘the light’ by sitting cross-legged in silence wherever I found sunlight, until I would hear the most indescribably ethereal music that so compelled me that by age three, I’d regularly assist myself to simply leave my body-and go home.  I had my first OBE at seventeen  but it wasn’t until I had my first NDE following a serious car crash, that I began feeling drawn to follow an inner voice that guided me and prepared me throughout a remarkable series of physical and medical challenges that nearly ended my young life.

Later I would be tested to fight yet another very close call and learned how to create my own wellness - how to choose life over death. At my lowest point not knowing if I would live, it was this guidance that actually showed me my eternal self. I would time travel back to Ancient Greece experiencing a former aspect of myself as a healer and with that insight I’d go on to experience ‘spontaneous remissions’ witnessed by the Cleveland Clinic, The Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School where I had been taken for testing and numerous failed operations.

Years later, I’d even receive visitations from non-physical beings who came to communicate an unconditional, ineffable love which I was able to photograph and commemorate. All of this and so much more led me to The Monroe Institute in search of greater meaning for my life and the hope of finally obtaining a deeper understanding of my eternal self. Today, I am in perfect health and have moved to a botanical paradise in the Caribbean to conduct meditative healing workshops, to live in nature, in peace and to continue a lifetime of consciousness exploration.

Five years after attending my first Gateway Voyage and so many remarkable other programs, I have found a supportive environment of like-minded explorers of higher consciousness, beginning with Robert Monroe, who have continued to support my evolution and provide not only safe, but exhilarating opportunities for ongoing, self-initiated explorations into the highest forms of consciousness imaginable while remaining in physical form. Because of this, I am committed to sharing this consciousness exploration with others as a TMI Outreach Trainer.

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