“Shattered Reality,” a podcast hosted by TMI member Fahrusha, and Kate Valentine, delves into the mysteries of psychokinesis with University of Virginia’s Dr. Ross Dunseath. As Assistant Professor of Research in the Division of Perceptual Studies with the esteemed Dr. Edward Kelly, Ross has been working on establishing irrefutable scientific evidence of human mental action on matter, such as metal bending and movement of small objects.

He discusses his PK investigations during the MC SQUARED programs at the Monroe Institute.

Hear the interview HERE.


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Ross Dunseath, PhD

Monroe Research Coordinator

Ross is an electrical engineer who has been involved in consciousness and physiological monitoring research since his undergrad days at the Experiential Learning Lab at Duke University. He continued his education at Duke in both engineering and psi research, earning a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1992. During that time he was involved in the design and construction of instrumentation for neurofeedback , heart monitoring, and the detection of physiological correlates of psi phenomena. He next worked with researchers at the University of North Carolina, designing and constructing high-density EEG data acquisition systems, with applications in simultaneous fMRI and EEG imaging. In 2010 he joined the staff at the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia where he is the co-director of the Westphal Neuroimaging Lab and is engaged in physiological studies of psi phenomena. The Monroe Institute presents a great opportunity for research in consciousness and human potentials, and Ross is busy upgrading the technical foundation in the labs for launching all kinds of studies.