They say that the energy of a group can be imperative to an experiential program. While I completely agree with this, I can also say that there have been groups I have really connected with, groups I haven’t connected with quite as much and sometimes there has been a group I’ve had difficulty connecting with at all. When I took Monroe’s Exploration 27 program, I connected with and received from one of my group members in the most hilarious and peculiar way. They say humor in meditation is a good thing. It’s also exciting when your experiences match another person’s experiences. Well, all the above happened to me in Exploration 27, and I’d love to share the story with you.

When the group is aligned in a certain way, you can feel a strong connection of energy helping push you along your journey.

Exploration 27, by nature, is a very group-intensive program. Generally, before many of the exercises, the group would “meet” together in meditation on the same energetic level in Focus 27. I can honestly say I really felt everyone in my X27 group. When the group is aligned in a certain way, you can feel a strong connection of energy helping push you along your journey. Sometimes, you can even meet up with group members in these expanded states of consciousness.

As my group prepared to go to Focus level 34/35 for the first time during one of the last days of the program, we first “met” on an energetic level around the crystal on Monroe’s Nancy Penn Center grounds, where we visualized in Focus 27. At the crystal, I happened to “see” a little black cat in my mind. I wasn’t quite sure why there was a cat hanging out by the crystal, but I figured, “Why not bring the cat with us if it wants to be here anyway?” So, in my meditation, I picked up the cat to take her with us.

I knew the cat was a girl for some reason. But nothing special happened with her past that. She was just present with me in my meditation.

While the rest of my experience was pretty spectacular in itself, I couldn’t help but continue to notice the black cat with us. I knew the cat was a girl for some reason. But nothing special happened with her past that. She was just present with me in my meditation.

Suddenly, the participant sitting next to me said, “Oh, I think I know where your cat came from.”

After the exercise, the group gathered around in a circle to discuss our experiences. As I began sharing mine, I explained that the first thing that presented itself to me when we all first gathered together was a black cat, but I wasn’t sure why. Suddenly, the participant sitting next to me said, “Oh, I think I know where your cat came from.”

She continued to explain that during that whole exercise, she saw herself as a black cat and experienced that meditation exercise as … well … the said cat. She wasn’t going to say anything until I mentioned it, and she was so shocked and excited that I picked up her energy in the same way as she saw herself, that she felt compelled to share.

This experience immediately provided humor, comfort, connection and joy within the group. It also provided validation that we do, in fact, have an energetic signature or presence that can be perceived by group members as we explore in these expanded states of consciousness. And the energetic signature we put out there really does affect other members of our group as we meditate together. 

"...when we gather with similar goals and energy, we can help lift each other up, provide support on our journeys,..."

This experience reminded me that when we gather with similar goals and energy, we can help lift each other up, provide support on our journeys, whether they be in meditation or in life, and easily add our own essence to a group meditation.

With the right group, your meditation can be enhanced in tremendous ways, whether just by providing you with extra support and energy or by providing you with more tangible experiences like mine.

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.