I first wrote this blog in 2017 when life was feeling very unsteady for me, and for many of my colleagues and friends, never realizing how utterly different and more challenging life would be in 2020! The pandemic has changed things beyond what we could have imagined. Here is an updated version of my original blog.

I recently read "Thank You for Being Late" by Thomas Friedman, the "New York Times" columnist, and I let out a long breath of relief. It shed light on why I have been feeling out of sync lately. He writes about how we are living through one of the greatest inflection points in history, possibly unequaled since Gutenberg launched the printing revolution in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation. Friedman says that technology, globalization and climate change are causing exponential change in the world.

It’s been three years since I first read those lines by Friedman. Here we are in the midst of a worldwide health crisis unlike anything experienced in more than 100 years. Is the coronavirus pandemic part of the imbalance that Friedman talks about?

Back in 2017, I wrote, “I don’t know about you, but many of my friends, mostly baby boomers like me, are feeling unmoored, overwhelmed, and unsteady. The world feels upside down. Something is happening.”

Take advantage of everything that the Monroe Institute has to offer. We welcome you with open (virtual) arms!

So I hit the Pause Button and leaned into what I learned from the first Hemi-Sync® CD in the 1990s and my original Gateway Experience. I used the REBAL daily, put all of my worries in a box, meditated, listened to the Dolphin Energy Club material, and allowed myself to not know the answers. I settled down. I became less fearful. I became more accepting of the world as it is.

Here I am three years later, and, like Friedman, I am again feeling unsteady and overwhelmed. This time I am asking what are my most deeply held values, what do I care about, and what does it all mean? Some say that the sacred meaning of the pandemic is to make us aware of what we are doing to our planet, to others, and to future generations. I pause to pay attention to these things and to send lovingkindness to everyone and everything.

So, if you are feeling unmoored, overwhelmed, and unsteady in the world, take this time to send your love and light to our planet and to all people. Join the Monroe Institute virtual community, take an online program, have a conversation with us, meet new people on the journey. Take advantage of everything that the Monroe Institute has to offer. We welcome you with open (virtual) arms!


For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

Note: Hemi-Sync® is a registered trademark of Interstate Industries Inc., dba Hemi-Sync
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Penny Harrison-Latham

Former Director of Development & Partnerships

As Monroe's former Director of Development & Partnerships, Penny Harrison oversaw fundraising and long-range development planning. Penny began using Monroe exercises in the 1990s and believes that they helped her maintain focus and a high state of creativity.