Kinetic energy is a term you hear quite a bit in the physics world. In the simplest possible terms, kinetic energy is energy that an object has when it’s in motion. When we want something to move, such as when we throw a ball, we transfer our own energy to the ball through force. Once the ball has accelerated and is in motion, it has kinetic energy.  

I am learning quickly that there is a very thin line between physics and the metaphysical world. One of the first ways I experienced this was through psychokinesis. Influencing kinetic energy opens the to door to psychokinesis. In fact, unlocking the science and mysteries of kinetic energy (and learning how to influence it) is one of the keys to learning psychokinesis. This was a topic I discovered while taking SyncCreation last year and one I continued to learn about as I took my journey to Focus 27 in Lifeline.

Here we’re going to discuss the basics of influencing kinetic energy and how that can help you begin your journey into the arena of psychokinesis.

The basics of influencing kinetic energy

To influence kinetic energy, you first have to build energy. From there, you can transfer this energy to another object and see the results. While there are numerous methods for doing this, I’ve found utilizing breath exercises while meditating to be the most successful for me in my studies.

To start, I recommend finding a calmness in meditation and building energy from there. Performing Resonant Tuning, one of Monroe’s basic tools, at the beginning of your practice is a great way to do this. As you perform your Resonate Tuning, feel the vibrations in your body. Feel more and more energy moving around you as you inhale, exhale and hum.

For some, it may help to spend some time in different focus levels as you build this energy. If you image a white light or powerful energy entering through your crown chakra as you inhale, you may begin to feel it circling through your head and out your mouth or your heart as you exhale.

Another method that worked for me was building up a great energy in a workout and then moving into a deep meditation and continuing to grow this energy through breath control after I had already stored up a great deal of it.

Then, when you feel the energy cycling through you and gaining momentum, you can begin to focus this on one specific location of your body, such as your hands. Most early psychokinesis exercises will have you hold an object you are attempting to transfer kinetic energy to, so your hands are a great place to focus your energy on as you start. Another method that worked for me was building up a great energy in a workout and then moving into a deep meditation and continuing to grow this energy through breath control after I had already stored up a great deal of it.

Now, this is something that may take time, many sessions and attempts and patience to achieve. But after you have felt yourself influence kinetic energy or accomplish an act of psychokinesis once, you will remember the feeling and be pushed to pursue this further. While this is different for everyone, breath control is the main key to achieving this, at least as far as I’ve found in my attempts.

When I took SyncCreation last year, I finished the course after bending a spoon on two separate occasions. This was done through breath control. For me, it took heavier breathing and more focus and power on my breath, but the more practice I had, the easier it was for me to control my breathing and more effortlessly bend spoons.  

Seeing results

There are many ways to see your results come to life and to measure your progress in influencing kinetic energy and learning psychokinesis. When I took SyncCreation, I practiced three different exercises, and I saw results from two of them.

After a week, the seeds I meditated with and attempted to transfer kinetic energy to flourished and grew much more than my control seeds. That’s a fun experiment to try that will likely show you the results of your work.

The first was through an experiment called “Growing Seeds.” In this exercise, I held a handful of wheat grass seeds and imagined a white light being transferred into the seeds as I meditated with them. I took another handful of the same seeds from the same bag and kept them as a control group. I wrapped both groups of seeds in paper towels and watered them daily. I kept both groups in the same environment. After a week, the seeds I meditated with and attempted to transfer kinetic energy to flourished and grew much more than my control seeds. That’s a fun experiment to try that will likely show you the results of your work. I think it would be fun to attempt this with many different types of seeds and growth patterns.

Another way to see results from your work with kinetic energy is via spoon bending. This is perhaps the most famous phenomenon associated with psychokinesis. As you begin your journey in spoon bending, it may not be what you initially think. You need to hold a fork or spoon in your hands to be able to transfer energy to it in the beginning stages. Ideally, as you create and influence kinetic energy your hands will get warmer and warmer. As you transfer warmth and energy to the spoon its matter becomes more clay-like, allowing you to bend it with ease.

Bent spoons from a Monroe MC Squared program

Lastly, lighting up a light bulb with kinetic energy is another great way to see results. In theory, if you can build up enough energy and transfer it to the bulb, the bulb will light up in your hand. This is something I haven’t quite accomplished yet but am working on currently.

We all have the power to influence kinetic energy and affect the matter around us in various ways. It just takes concentration, study and practice. The more you work towards this and the more you uncover the secrets to your own methods and potential, the easier it can become.

Good luck on your adventures into psychokinesis!  

To learn how to influence matter with your mind and focused energy, join us for the next MC Squared program. Learn More


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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.