The more I work on myself and my meditation practice, the more I grasp how important perspective is. After years of enduring difficult experiences, I’ve come to realize that we all have blind spots in life. Sometimes we need someone else’s perspective to see things we can’t. Using a driving analogy, a person viewing a car from the outside can see what’s in the driver’s blind spots. For me, this is true on a deeper, psychological level, as well. 

When patterning in Focus 27, I saw these DNA-like data downloads being sent down to the earth to influence our present realities.

I’ve found that when I go into a meditation session with an intention, whether it be to manifest, to heal or to gain insight on a situation, I can see this intention differently from each Focus level as my frequency shifts. For instance, I see Focus 12 as a gateway of possibilities that are open to me. I see Focus 15 through a series of linear lifelines that I can step out of and view from a far distance. When patterning in Focus 27, I saw these DNA-like data downloads being sent down to the earth to influence our present realities. So, naturally, when I view different problems from these Focus levels, I see different outcomes and receive different insights. Shifting through these levels has shown me that sometimes we need a perspective change in life to move forward.

When I took Exploration 27 this past year, I had a few major revelations that appeared to me through a shift in perspective. First, let me just say, I have never been much of a healer. In fact, I have no call to heal at all—it just isn’t in the cards for me at this time. However, when visiting the Healing and Regeneration Center in Focus 27, I did experience multiple revelations regarding healing myself.

For the first time, I truly understood what it means to see things from an extremely different perspective on a physical level. For instance, a solid desk is actually just a close cluster of particles compacted together in such a way that it functions as a solid form. When we get down to it, that’s what physical objects are, but we don’t see them that way from our normal waking reality perspective. We see them as solid masses. We are not close enough to see it at the molecular level without a tool, such as a microscope. Multiple lenses of amplification can show us what that desk really looks like at a basic level. 

This nonphysical place provided me with the tools I needed to see myself from a different perspective, to see myself heal, not just in my macro human form, but on a molecular level—a level of particles making up tissues and organs of my body, all functioning as a unit.

Well, sometimes it’s important to remember the true source of something. I found that when I was in the Healing Center in Focus 27, I was able to step far back and also move very close up to see myself for who I truly am—what makes me, well, me from the inside out. This nonphysical place provided me with the tools I needed to see myself from a different perspective, to see myself heal, not just in my macro human form, but on a molecular level—a level of particles making up tissues and organs of my body, all functioning as a unit. This allowed me to heal as I never had before. 

It was from this place where I was able to heal some major past-life trauma I was holding onto. I suffered a lot physically in a specific past life and died in a very less-than-ideal way. I’ve found myself holding onto that trauma without the ability to let it go. As I sat and reflected on this in the Healing Center, I realized that a shift in my perspective was the key that I needed to fix this painful attachment I was refusing to let go of. 

Well, I looked at that situation in my other lifetime again and said, “Wait a minute. That was ME. I know I can handle anything, so why am I still worried about suffering I went through in another life?”

I know in my current life that I can deal with anything. I don’t worry about suffering and even try to take on pain for others because I know that I can handle it. But I never know if others can. So, I like to take on burdens for people. I think it’s a part of being an empath. Well, I looked at that situation in my other lifetime again and said, “Wait a minute. That was ME. I know I can handle anything, so why am I still worried about suffering I went through in another life?” That little “ah-hah” moment fixed everything that’s been weighing on me. I was thinking about this person as another person, not as an extension of myself. By looking at her as a different variant of me, I knew that I could handle it. I knew that though it was terrible, it was over, and I dropped this thing that has been haunting me for years. It was done quickly and effortlessly by shifting my perspective on the situation.

Lastly, throughout this week of heavy meditation, I realized that the people we see daily truly do help shift our perspectives exponentially. For instance, the groups we are with during our Monroe Institute programs help shape our outcomes and experiences. Talking with someone in the morning about archaeology and adventure had me visualizing those types of experiences in my meditation later that day.

We are easily guided by those around us on a subconscious level. Those who are closest help shape our perspectives. For me, it’s important that my goals align with theirs and that they are a positive influence in my life. Being close with those exerting a negative influence can be one of the most detrimental choices.

Our perspective shapes the daily realities we face. If we look through a negative lens, life can feel negative and painful.

Would the world be a better place if we came from a perspective of gratitude in our daily lives? I think most would agree. Our perspective shapes the daily realities we face. If we look through a negative lens, life can feel negative and painful. If we come from a place of gratitude and see the blessings before us, our perspective can help us live the joyous life we wish to live.

There is a map of possibilities set before us each day, and I truly believe we can shape and transform our circumstances through intention and actively manifesting what is next. It’s important to come from a perspective of gratitude in order to experience the best possible outcome. Try shifting perspective. Experiment with seeing your life from different Focus levels and “distances.” Learn to shift your mindset to the perspective that works best each day. This has made a world of difference in my life.

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.