Trainer - Annemarie Raaijmakers-Jongen


As a child she already wondered why I am here and loved nature and its animals. Her personal development started in 2002 at the age of 37 two months after her mother died. 

Annemarie is a licensed mental caretaker, energetic therapist, painter artist, NLP trainer, coach, a certified medium and certified teacher in mediumship. She gives demonstrations and lectures about mediumship to the public for she wants to make people aware of the non-physical. 

In 2010 Annemarie started to expand her awareness by exploring mediumship. She now works as a professional medium and also teaches mediumship. 

After following the gateway and lifeline her mediumship became more stronger, connecting with beloved deceased became more easier. She now wants others to experience what she can experience, death is no border. We as physical humans are able to communicate across this border and explore across the border, it enriches life and fills it with love as it did hers.