Trainer - Georgiana Tofan
Georgiana was born and lives in Bucharest, Romania. As a graduate of economic studies and with certification in accounting and tax, for over 30 years, she has worked in the field of figures.
She often wondered what a human's mission is, if she had a mission and what that mission could be. Her search for it began among her passions, driven by the belief that this was how she could find it. She thought that her mission might be interior design - a profession for which she trained with passion and devotion. The experience of later teaching a course on color revealed her ability to show people the impact of color, which often goes unnoticed, on an emotional level. It turned out that design was not going to be the mission, because Georgiana had limits back then ... imaginary ones, of course!
After, in 2020, by chance you might say, participating in Gateway Voyage she realized that this was just the beginning of the 'journey' and that this journey could never stop. Now, as Life Coach, her desire is to be a companion and guide for those who wish to broaden their vision and find a different way of thinking and seeing the world - one that will show those who choose this path that life is not a struggle, but a wonderful journey, a meaningful gift for which they have every reason to be grateful.
Participating in the Monroe Institute's programs has completely changed her life, both personally and professionally, and has shown her that, as Robert Monroe said, "The greatest illusion is that mankind has limits".
Together with my colleague Giorgios Bagropoulos, we are MCG Romania leaders.
Romanian version
Georgiana s-a nascut si locuieste in Bucuresti, Romania. Ca absolventa de studii economice si cu certificare in domeniul contabil si fiscal, timp de peste 30 de ani, si-a desfasurat activitatea in domeniul cifrelor. Adesea se intreba ce este misiunea unui om, daca si ea are o misiune si care ar putea fi aceea. Cautarea acesteia a inceput printre pasiunile sale, condusa de credinta ca asa ar putea-o gasi. A crezut mai intai ca misiunea sa ar putea fi designul de interior – o profesie pentru care s-a pregatit cu pasiune si devotament. Experienta predarii, ulterior, a unui curs despre Culoare, i-a oferit prilejul si i-a scos la iveala capacitatea de a arata oamenilor impactul culorii, care adesea trece neobservata, in plan emotional. S-a dovedit ca nu designul avea sa fie misiunea, pentru ca Georgiana avea limite pe atunci … imaginare, desigur!
Dupa ce, in 2020, din intamplare s-ar putea spune, a participat la Gateway Voyage - primul program - a realizat ca acesta este doar inceputul "calatoriei " si ca acest drum nu se va putea opri niciodata. Acum, ca Life Coach dorinta care o anima este aceea de a putea fi companion si ghid pentru cei ce doresc sa-si largeasca orizontul de cunoaştere si sa gaseasca o perspectiva diferita de a gandi si a vedea lumea - una care le va arata acelora ce vor alege aceasta cale ca viata nu-i o lupta, ci o calatorie minunata, un dar plin de sens pentru care au toate motivele sa fie recunoscatori.
Participarea la programele Institutului Monroe i-a schimbat complet viata, atat in plan personal, cat si profesional, si i-a demonstrat ca, asa cum spunea Robert Monroe, " Cea mai mare iluzie este aceea că omenirea are limite".
Impreuna cu colegul meu Giorgios Bagropoulos, am pus bazele grupului MCG Romania.