Trainer - Leidi Haaijer

Leidi Haaijer (artist / designer) has been an outreach trainer at the Monroe Institute since 2010. After attending several Monroe programs in Europe and USA she became a trainer in The Netherlands and is now supporting the use of Monroe technologies in the Dutch speaking region.

Leidi offers online and live weekends workshops and also offers workshops in cooperation with 2 other Dutch speaking colleagues (Rolf Nuyts and Wouter Bosman), and maintains She organizes information meetings on a regular basis and supports the Monroe Community Group Meetings.

As a visual artist she is well trained in observation and perception, nonverbal communication has her full attention accordingly. She considers the growth of consciousness one of the big tasks humanity is facing, being confronted with the challenges on personal and global levels, as we are so much part of these global dynamics.

Working on a practical level with people of different cultures and backgrounds she shares conscious experiences to support community qualities. She triggers awareness that we are all connected and are able to bundle powers on several levels.

Youngsters get in contact for coaching, fulfilling their internship in her studio; they learn how to recognize their specific strength and (re)learn to trust their qualities being stimulated to get into their next steps of development more confidently.

She lives in and provides information on her community self-built house, based on ecological and sustainable principles.