So Much More than Human

Hello, Everyone!

Can a single week so powerfully impact someone’s life as to alter its arc and forever transform its evolutionary path?

Of course!

A huge perquisite of my role with The Monroe Institute is that I get to witness this happening routinely. And not only I. The phenomenon is obvious to all who are familiar with our residential programs—participants, their loved ones; our trainers and staff. It’s one of the joys of our lives to be part of a process that gives so much, so profoundly, to so many.

Like the proverbial pebble tossed into a pond, a ripple effect spreads the energy of transformation far and wide. One striking consequence of that uplifting energy is that it inspires us to gift others, to “pay it forward.”

When TMI reached out to our community with an invitation to disperse the magic by donating to the Scholarship Fund, you responded! Since 2010, one hundred and thirty scholarship recipients have attended the Gateway Voyage program. One hundred and thirty lives have been forever enriched.

Our former publicity coordinator Michael Peter Langevin wrote of the massive impact the Scholarship Fund had on his young protégé in “Joshua’s Story.” At fourteen years old Joshua, the child of drug addicts, found his father dead of an overdose and his mother in jail. In the foster care system, he rotated through twelve foster homes in six years, with potentially deadly results. Michael and I collaborated to get Joshua here from California with a scholarship to the Gateway Voyage program.

The results were heart-opening. “When I go home,” Joshua said, “I am going to listen to people closer and with more caring and I will tell them I love them. This will show people most clearly what I learned here.”

Scholarship Fund. Help our fellow humans to discover that they are, in fact, so much more than human.

Two years later, Michael updated us on Joshua’s progress—and it was remarkable! In "A TMI Scholarship Miracle," Michael writes, “The TMI Scholarship and Gateway Voyage program, I believe, saved Joshua from a miserable existence and an early death. They gave him the tools to become a whole person and to live his best life.”

As we approach the season of giving, I am happy to report that, thanks to you, we reached our Annual Fund goal for 2016! 

Now, I invite you to join with us to support one of the greatest projects you may ever engage in—the TMI Scholarship Fund. Help our fellow humans to discover that they are, in fact, so much more than human.

With deepest thanks to you for the gifts you have given and those yet to come. They are an investment in true freedom.

Paying it forward with you, as ever,

Nancy H. McMoneagle
President & Executive Director


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Nancy H. McMoneagle

Monroe President & Executive Director (Retired)

Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute from 2014-2019, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 - 1991.