Trainer - Claudia Peña
Spanish translation:
Claudia has dedicated her scientific career to environmental protection, through the implementation of life cycle thinking as a means to move towards sustainable consumption and production. In this area, she served as director of the industrial sustainability unit of the Center for Mining and Metallurgical Research, contributing in parallel to the Sustainable Resource Management Panel of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and also to the World Cycle Initiative of Life of UNEP and SETAC “UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative”. His commitment to achieving a better world has led him to develop R&D projects and programs in this area, and also to contribute to the training of new scientists and professionals who can continue and deepen this work.
Consistent with this vision of the world, Claudia integrates the dimension of human well-being in its entirety into sustainable development and in this way, considers in the analysis the happiness of the individual, their social and material aspirations and also their needs for emotional and spiritual development. In this perspective, the approach to understanding, exploration and development of consciousness that TMI has developed in decades of scientific research, resonates beautifully with the concept of a better world for which Claudia has been working professionally for over twenty years.
Being a facilitator of the TMI allows you to contribute to the integral development of people, by being able to bring them the effective and beautiful technological and methodological tools developed by TMI for the exploration of consciousness (workshops and hemi-sync frequencies), to people interested in exploring and deepen their self-knowledge, or simply those who are curious and / or want to know more about TMI.
Claudia is also a Reiki Teacher, graduated in Japan in 2008.
She is also a student who is fond of evolutionary anthropology, the runes of the ancient Nordic peoples and other disciplines developed by ancient peoples and the field of synchronicity.
Adjective adjective
Claudia has devoted her scientific career to the protection of the environment through the implementation of life cycle thinking as a means to move towards sustainable consumption and production. In this area she served as director of the unit of industrial sustainability at the Research Center of Mining and Metallurgy, alongside contributing to the Panel on Sustainable Resource Management of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and to the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. Her commitment with a better world has led her to develop R & D projects and programs in this area, and also to train new scientists and professionals for continuing and deepen this work. In this new relationship with the planet, we must address the needs of today's society, improving the quality of life and welfare of the people,
Consistent with this vision of the world she integrates to the sustainable development analysis, the dimension of the human being as a whole, and thus considers the individual happiness, her / his social and material aspirations and her / his needs of emotional and spiritual development. Under this perspective, the approach for the understanding, exploring and developing of the consciousness that The Monroe Institute ® (TMI) has developed over decades of scientific research resonates beautifully with the concept of a better world, for which Claudia has been working professionally for over twenty years
Being a TMI trainer allows her to contribute to the integral development of people, by making her able to bring the effective and beautiful technological and methodological tools developed by TMI for the exploration of consciousness (workshops and Hemi-Sync® frequencies), to people interested in exploring and deepen their self-awareness, or simply to those who are curious and / or want to know more about themselves and TMI.
Claudia is also a Reiki Master, graduated in Japan 2008.
She is also an amateur student of evolutionary anthropology, of the runes of the ancient Nordic peoples, and of other disciplines developed by ancient peoples and of scope of synchronicity.