Trainer - Penny Holmes

The step daughter of Robert A. Monroe, Penny attended Energy Mastery School in Europe with Robert Jaffe, and his Teachers’ training in Sedona. She is trained in healing arts in various workshops from healing touch, therapeutic touch, death midwifery and a year long course with Whitewinds Institute of Energy Medicine with Fernan Poulan. Penny also explored Shamanic studies with Kerrith McKechnie in Toms Brook VA. and  a vision quest the following year.

In 1992 shortly before my Mother died, my stepfather, Robert Monroe, asked me if I wanted to be a trainer. He had wanted me to become a stand up comedienne so I guess he thought my humor could be put to good use at the Monroe Institute.

I can remember when Gateways were on the road held in hotel conference rooms, and retreat centers. My sister, Scooter McMoneagle, David Mulvey and Darlene Miller would travel from town to town training programs. I remember when the idea to build a permanent place came up one evening after dinner at the farm. Mom wanted him home at his own establishment where all the equipment could be in place and all the people responding to Journeys Out of the Body could come and spend a week.

In my eighteen years of training at TMI, I have had the opportunity to grow and learn and experience the initiatory process of what groups coming together to spend a week of consciousness exploration can do for the uplift of humanity. Here, I get to witness and support people as they uncover more of who they really are in a wonderfully supportive atmosphere of fun, deep work and safe space. At the beginning of the week it is as if we as trainers have been presented with a bouquet of two dozen rosebuds and we get to be a part of the blossoming of each one of those buds as the week progresses. How cool is that?

Over thirty thousand intrepid explorers have joined the Monroe family of friends. I don’t think you will find a place more conducive to “taking a look under the hood” as you will here.

In 1986, I had a full blown in-the-body experience. I learned from that experience, that the body is vital in consciousness exploration. I say this because I know that many people come hoping to have or manage an out-of-body experience. I think the way “out” is in, into yourself and learning that you are truly more than your physical body.