A select group of Monroe graduates along with a few non-graduates met this month at Monroe Institute to pilot test our new program—OBE Spectrum. Most participants were adept at consciousness exploration but, for a few, it was their first residential program.

Thanks to participant Jane Coleman for sharing her perspective.

I was very honored to have been a part of “OBE Spectrum.” As it was a pilot program, I figured they needed a pilot—me!  [Yes, everyone groaned when I mentioned this Saturday evening during introductions.]
I'm not sure who all worked on putting this together, but it seemed to me that Patty Ray Avalon had done a lot, if not most, of the work of researching, designing, and scripting this program. An outstanding job, by the way. She pulled together information from Bob Monroe's work, 9 years of working with Bill Buhlman, and a whole lot more.
We practiced basic separation techniques using exercises from the “Gateway Voyage” program and the “Gateway Experience” home course albums.
Luigi and Thomas told us in “Lucid Dreaming” that the OBE and LD states were somewhat similar states, with each having its unique characteristics.
Patty worked with us to tune up our energy bodies in preparation for OBE work. That's one area she specializes in and I was very glad to practice her techniques first hand. An added dimension to the program was the incorporation of techniques from Luigi Sciambarella’s and Thomas Hasenberger's “Lucid Dreaming” (LD) retreat, from Scott Taylor's “Near-Death Experience” (NDE) work, and a bit from “Remote Viewing” (RV).

Luigi and Thomas told us in “Lucid Dreaming” that the OBE and LD states were somewhat similar states, with each having its unique characteristics. The cool thing is one can start out in a lucid dream and transform it into an OBE. Luigi was a trainer for “OBE Spectrum,” so we got some good practice. It was for me a nice refresher of the LD program.
It was yet another way to emphasize that we are not constricted by space and time, that we are indeed more than we imagine ourselves to be.
Scott Taylor was a participant in “OBE Spectrum.” He took off his participant hat one afternoon and stepped into the trainer role to teach us about his passion, near-death experience. I haven't taken his program yet, and now it's a priority. And we did a bit of work from “Remote Viewing,” which might get renamed “Remote Sensing.” (The reason is, RV has strict scientific protocols. “Remote Sensing” would not necessarily need to follow those.) It was yet another way to emphasize that we are not constricted by space and time, that we are indeed more than we imagine ourselves to be.

We ended our week together just joyful at how smoothly the program had gone on its first run. Patty had worked so hard to create it, and the results were the evidence. I expect this program to be a best seller!

Learn how to have an OBE with clarity, confidence and success at the 5-day/6-night OBE Spectrum Program. 

 For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.

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Jane Coleman

Monroe Outreach Trainer, Professional Association member, Local Chapter Leader

Jane Coleman has been exploring consciousness for over 30 years. She was originally drawn to Bob Monroe’s work because of out-of-body (OBE) travel as an answer to her frustrated dreams of being an astronaut. She attended the "Gateway Voyage" program with the hopes of having an OBE. Instead, her experiences profoundly shifted her consciousness and redirected the course of her life. Later, in "Starlines," she realized her dream of being an astronaut. An explorer of both inner and outer space, she holds degrees in aerospace engineering and theological studies. Her hobbies include flying, quilting, reading, blogging, traveling, and spoiling her Scotty.