Trainer - David Kirkhope

David has been engaged with the Monroe Institute for several years. Serving as a Trainer for Monroe Outreach, he merges his technical expertise from the IT realm with his enduring enthusiasm for consciousness exploration. David sharpened his analytical and problem-solving capabilities throughout his tenure in the IT industry and now channels these skills into consciousness studies.

His involvement with Monroe has profoundly influenced his life. David has participated in numerous Monroe programs, immersing himself in consciousness exploration and gaining invaluable insights. His personal journey has fueled his desire to guide and support others on their own paths of self-discovery.

David's intrigue with the mysteries of consciousness began early in life. Vivid dreams and night terrors sparked his curiosity in lucid dreaming, astral projection, and out-of-body techniques. While he encountered challenges along the way, David's determination led him to experiment with various modalities, including binaural beats, the Gateway Process, and psychedelics.

With a grounded approach, David's personal experiences have shaped his perspective as a Trainer for Monroe Outreach. He is dedicated to fostering a positive and supportive environment for all attendees, leveraging his expansive knowledge and first hand experience to navigate the complexities of consciousness exploration.