Trainer - Stefano Roverso
Stefano was born in Verona, Italy, the “Romeo & Giulietta’s” city in 1963. When he was 14 years old, he had a strong purpose to meet beings from other parts of the universe and during that time had his first OBE experience. His life started to became more exciting with high school, friends and girlfriends, love, interesting things to think about, discuss and to do. He discovered life on the Earth! And, did have less time to spend on life outside Earth.
Stefano started his professional career in 1986 as software engineer in computer programming and it was great! He had a lot of creative energy to invent something new. Apart from his job, he started reading Carlos Castaneda, Charles Tart and Aldous Huxley and following a “four way school” that belongs to G. Gourdijeff and P. Ouspensky teachings.
In 1994, he created a software company. He became a father and bought his house. In 2002, the information technologies experience ended, and he decided to follow a new opportunity and to join a start-up company devoted to a health care training program. His personal development passed through interest in Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu, Shamanism and Neuro Language Programming (NLP). He followed different courses and achieved professional accreditation as a Master Practitioner in NLP and Shiatsu Massage Therapist.
In 2007, he discovered TMI and did his first program, Gateway Voyage® and other TMI courses that changed my life in a way more deeply than before. He decided to become an Outreach Trainer as a new opportunity to grow as a human being and professionally. Now as a certified Outreach Trainer, his efforts are dedicated to bringing the TMI experiences and its programs to Italy.
In all his previous job experiences he had the opportunity to learn a lot, grow professionally and, have fun! He is always searching in his life and job are exploration of human potential (starting with himself), applying creativity, and trying to put his talents into real life. He knows, because he experiments, that we are more than our physical bodies, and that there are ways to be more happy in life, more useful to others, and to meet other beings in the Universe. Do you want to try?