Now, we’re moving into a fresh and exhilarating era of investigation at TMI. In a way, our current studies bridge the gap between education and research.

Greetings, Everyone! 

We just published our 2017 Annual Report. It is illuminating to look at the year in a compressed, abbreviated form. Highlights appear sharply against the quieter backdrop of the constant hum of activity.
This year the Annual Report celebrates two areas of focus without which The Monroe Institute would not exist—our Trainers and our Research.


If TMI is like “Hogwarts on steroids,” as one participant described it, then our trainers are wizards, ushering you beyond the veils that separate physical matter reality and C1 consciousness from “All That Is.” And THAT is a modern mystery school definition of magic.

But far from presenting our esoteric tools and techniques as “magical,” TMI trainers follow the lead of Robert Monroe. They demystify the esoteric. They skillfully coach, educate, and mentor. They make the most profound material accessible, and even better, practical, to program participants—to you.

There’s another element in the mix that isn’t talked about much, but that is absolutely fundamental to guiding people through multidimensional experiences. It is the ability to create and maintain a strong and safe energetic space, an incubator, if you will, that protects and nurtures participants as they grow in their awareness and learn to navigate newer, deeper consciousness states.

I know what it takes to do that. Along with Bob Monroe, Tom Campbell, and Dennis Mennerich, I trained early M-5000 workshops, the precursor to the Gateway Voyage. When people have exceptional, transformative experiences, it is vital to be able to hold the energy for them. It takes awareness, intent, and compassion.

I salute TMI’s outstanding educators—our Residential Trainers and Outreach Trainers. They are worldwide and world-class! Speaking for myself and for the many thousands of participants whose lives are forever uplifted through your work, Thank You, TMI Trainers! You are raising the vibratory field of humanity!


The Monroe Institute is a nonprofit research and educational organization. Since its earliest beginnings, when the TMI we know today was just a twinkle in Bob’s eye, research has been vital to the evolution of Monroe technologies.

Data from MindMirror® EEGs at the Discovery programs are showing the gamma effect. Analysis of the results by our research team continues.

Thanks to the prodigious work of the Professional Division, from 1980 forward we accumulated an extensive database of research and reporting by therapists, scientists, educators, and others on the applications of Hemi-Sync with patients, clients, students, and subjects. Along with information brought through by the Explorers during lab sessions, the Professional members’ input laid the foundation for some of our most potent CD exercises supporting health and wellbeing.

TMI’s in-house researchers contributed in a big way to our cumulative knowledge of Monroe technology—why it works, what it can do, and how it may be improved. Skip Atwater, former president of the Institute, developed the initial version of our Spatial Angle Modulation™ (SAM) audio technology. SAM version 2.0 was developed by Bob Holbrook, our director of innovation. With the expansion of SAM products and SAM-supported program exercises, it is steadily gaining momentum.

Additionally, over the years, published works by independent researchers investigating the effects of Monroe technology and Monroe programs have provided new—and enlightening—data, paving the way for broader, universal applications.

This is only the beginning of what we expect will be an ongoing research trend for TMI—investigating and evaluating brainwave data gathered during controlled consciousness expansion experiences.

Now, we’re moving into a fresh and exhilarating era of investigation at TMI. In a way, our current studies bridge the gap between education and research. And so far the results have been better than expected—from the research angle as well as the participants’ perspective.

During the last 12 months, three specially designed programs have included EEGs of adventurous participant-subjects as they moved from C1 into targeted deep-state awareness assisted by SAM and/or Hemi-Sync®. One benefit of SAM audio guidance is that it can stimulate a gamma state. Gamma has been measured in advanced meditators. Data from MindMirror® EEGs at the Discovery programs are showing the gamma effect. Analysis of the results by our research team continues.

This is only the beginning of what we expect will be an ongoing research trend for TMI—investigating and evaluating brainwave data gathered during controlled consciousness expansion experiences. This is the fulfillment of a dream of Bob’s. And a tremendous thrill for me! I am so glad you are along for the ride.

Apple founder and arguably the greatest innovator of a generation, Steve Jobs, famously said he wanted to “put a ding in the universe.” Your support and collaboration are helping The Monroe Institute make that happen. Join us. Put a ding in the universe!

Onward and upward!

Nancy H. McMoneagle
President & Executive Director

Related Links

Be a participant-subject in the Discovery program

Blog articles on use of the MindMirror EEG system during TMI programs—

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Nancy H. McMoneagle

Monroe President & Executive Director (Retired)

Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute from 2014-2019, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 - 1991.