Trainer - Ellen Jones-Walker

In 2014, when the Monroe Institute invited Ellen to become a residential trainer, she accepted immediately.  She had already experienced the joy of serving for two years as an active Monroe Outreach trainer.  Also, having personally benefited as a participant in ten residential programs, Ellen was inspired to offer the same opportunities to others. 

In 2017, Ellen designed and launched the Law of Attraction program with Tip Walker.  She is always thrilled to see participants begin to manifest their desires during the program itself.

As a consultant for Monroe Outreach since 2015, Ellen has been instrumental in the upgrade of the Outreach program, including the development of the comprehensive Outreach Trainer Program (OTP). She enjoys serving as an OTP trainer and mentoring new Outreach trainers.  She also developed the Exploring Consciousness and Awakening workshops as well as the live online versions of three advanced Outreach workshops. 

Ellen was guided to attend Gateway Voyage which was a transformational experience.  She is deeply grateful as a trainer to be able to provide Monroe program participants with the same life-changing opportunities. With Tip Walker, she developed and trained the first Gateway Voyage Virtual Retreat in 2020.

Since childhood Ellen has been interested in and drawn to the exploration of nonphysical reality. In her twenties, a number of mystical events suddenly immersed her in an exciting new world of profound experiences and expansion. Since then, she has been on a conscious path of self-exploration, discovery, and personal transformation.

Since 1983, Ellen has given workshops and credit courses on human consciousness, meditation, law of attraction, healing, and other personal and spiritual development topics.  She offers private sessions using customized combinations of audio technology, Mind Mirror EEG, the L.I.F.E. Biofeedback System, PSYCH-K, EFT, and other modalities.

Ellen’s educational and professional background is in linguistics, foreign/second language education, cross-cultural communication, human potential, teacher training, organizational development, and instructional design and delivery. After many years in the classroom, she went full-time with her training and consulting business, serving clients worldwide.