For someone like me, someone who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), it can be very difficult to learn the lesson of fluidity. “Going with the flow” takes real skills, and not everyone can easily sit back and watch life happen around them without trying to control it. Regardless, living takes a balance, and while it is important to get involved and take the reins of your own life from time to time, there are also times you must listen to the universe, trust that everything that is supposed to come to you will come to you, and gracefully and fluidly “go with the flow.”

This lesson was eloquently presented to me during my Exploration 27 program at Robert’s Mountain Retreat, and I’d love to share that story with you in hopes that it may help you in the same way it helped me.

It was mid-way through my week in X27, and I was relaxed, reaching deeper into more expanded states of consciousness than I had visited in quite some time. I was, thankfully, in a good headspace. Shortly after my return home, I would be leaving again to go to Mexico for a press trip. I had put in a bunch of time preparing for this trip. I also had decided not to go to the out-of-town premiere of the movie I just produced, as it conflicted with the press trip.

I did something I probably shouldn’t have done. I checked my phone, immediately inviting the stressors of the world back into my life.

As I sat during my break on this particular day during X27, I did something I probably shouldn’t have done. I checked my phone, immediately inviting the stressors of the world back into my life. As I pulled up my email, I saw a notice from my agency contact canceling me from the press trip due to an increase in COVID cases. I was devastated. I had spent so much time prepping for this trip and, as someone with OCD, I have a really hard time accepting when plans change at the last minute. Plus, I had blown off my premiere for this trip. 

Why was I so upset? Did my stress really come from my plans abruptly changing? ... I decided to breathe, accept the change, and gracefully go with the flow...

Suddenly, I disrupted my process and began getting upset. In an attempt to fix the premiere issue, I quickly and efficiently booked my flight to the premiere to ensure I would, at least, be able to do that since the press trip had been canceled. Then, I tried to analyze why I was getting so upset. I have been to Mexico many times before. It’s not like I wouldn’t go again. Why was I so upset? Did my stress really come from my plans abruptly changing? I decided to breathe, accept the change, and gracefully go with the flow as much as I could. It’s not like I could change the situation by reacting poorly to it. After a bit, I calmed myself down and got back into the depths of the program.

Everything happens for a reason. The universe does, to some extent, have a plan for us.

The next day, it all came together as I got an email saying, “Never mind. I got you ladies in!” I asked if they could accommodate bringing me in a day late so I could make my premiere now, since I booked the flight. They were happy to. Suddenly, it all made sense. Everything happens for a reason. The universe does, to some extent, have a plan for us. It must be fated for me to attend this premiere, as I never would have if I hadn’t been canceled for that day. Now, suddenly, I was able to fit everything into my schedule with ease. 

Be responsive to the universe’s signs. If you are fluid and react with grace to the world around you, it is likely everything will work out the way it should.

Clearly, everything happens for a reason. Be responsive to the universe’s signs. If you are fluid and react with grace to the world around you, it is likely everything will work out the way it should. Doors close sometimes because they were not meant for you. And the ones that open next could be even more beneficial for you at this given time.

I was reminded, fluidity and flow are very important in life. Keep this in mind, the next time you receive bad news and maybe you will see it differently; perhaps even as an opportunity!

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.