Trainer - Beth Haley

Beth is a Certified Life Enhancement Coach, Advanced PSYCH-K Facilitator, and THETA Healer, as well as an Outreach Trainer with the Monroe Institute

“The mind forgets but the body remembers.”

Your physical body holds onto emotional, mental, and spiritual traumas. When these energies remain stagnant and unaddressed, they can get stuck in the body and emerge as dis-ease.

A life long learner, Beth’s multidisciplinary approach to wellness began as a quest for self-healing and personal transformation. Book learning was fine, but it wasn’t until she began attending experiential classes over the course of her journey that she combined her knowledge with what she had learned and started to put these into practice. The result?  Powerful changes. Reactions to old wounds and hurts shifted. She no longer felt like a victim of life.

In 2007 Beth began sharing her knowledge, assisting others to find answers of their own.

Entrepreneur, coach, mentor, wife, mother and grandmother, Beth says “My approach to coaching is a nurturing one. I focus on assisting clients with a sense of well-being, self-empowerment and healing of long standing wounds.”  

A skilled facilitator and coach, Beth guides clients to tap into their innate healing energies. As these begin to kick in, they gain the courage to shine a light on past emotional hurts and learn new mechanisms to cope. They truly heal and thrive. Their lives change.

Beth's clients report they have:

  • Cultivated healthier relationships with loved ones
  • Released emotional triggers, phobias and fears
  • Developed healthy thought patterns
  • Discovered solutions to sleeping difficulties
  • Increased ability to connect more clearly with their own intuition
  • Found the ability to forgive, related to long held personal issues
  • Women’s self-esteem issues related sexual abuse as children; recognizing self-destructive patterns and replacing them with healthier ones
  • Creating constructive work environments

If you are ready to explore breaking down the influences behind what may be holding you back from the success you are seeking, Beth would be happy to connect with you to determine if her coaching style is the right fit for your needs.

What client’s of Beth are saying:

You are a rare person …to have insight, graciousness, wisdom, and all without any ego and ill intention. You are an anomaly and I hope you continue what you are doing.

“During the workshop I found myself very focused on the material and the order in which it was presented. I believe a momentum of successive sub-conscious re-patternings must have been in the works. During meditation I had a joyful emotional purge, as if something left me? Since then I have been having some very vivid lucid states, astral travels and pronounced clairaudient conversations that I have NEVER had before, wow! Thanks for bringing this to Canada Beth!”

"Please let me know if you are going to have another session. I think you know already, but I am grateful for the extra energy you gave me on Saturday. Thank you. I did experience a release and my heart has been much less heavy."

"I held the spoon in one hand on the way home in the car and it bent some more. I was not even intending, or paying attention, fascinating!! Although I do not think it should become a regular driving activity… lol"