Long gone are the days of playing “chicken” with cars while driving my electric bike on the crazy streets of China. During the beginning of my third decade of doing martial arts, specifically Kendo (the way of the sword), remote viewing came into my life through an unexpected synchronistic sequence of events.

My quest to learn the mental martial art, remote viewing, began in December 2017.

I discovered The Monroe Institute (TMI) back in the early 2000s but never expected to be able to go there, though greatly desiring to attend a program. However, in 2017 I earned slightly more income, the class time perfectly coincided with my trip back to Northern Virginia, and I was able to convince my husband to support me (after being denied over the years). Finally, my quest to learn the mental martial art, remote viewing, began in December 2017. What a Christmas gift!

The December 2017 Remote Viewing program at TMI, taught by renowned remote viewer Joe McMoneagle, along with Beth Vaughan, had a tremendous impact on my perspective and abilities as a kendōka. Then, last August, I attended Remote Viewing II, with Joe and Marinda Stopforth. Now, remote viewing greatly augments my life through disciplining my mind, discovering authenticity, enhancing intuition, and comprehending the inter-relatedness of all.

In ancient Eastern sword philosophy, the sword is not only used as a weapon but, in a spiritual sense, to both ward off evil and to purify. The sword is used to achieve peace outwardly, but also inwardly through purifying the mind. As one trains and empowers the body, one must also purify and refine the mind/spirit.

Through this process of consciously receiving information while being discerning, I connect with universal consciousness more and more. I deepen this connection through daily practice.

Similarly, through remote viewing (RV) training we learn to be vigilant of thoughts, to catch that one psycho-energetic cord that we can pull to see the whole target. Meditation and RV allow me to use a symbolic sword, a sword of spirit, to eradicate irrelevant energies and information. Through this process of consciously receiving information while being discerning, I connect with universal consciousness more and more. I deepen this connection through daily practice.

For me, RV reveals the interconnectedness of all existence. Through practice, I not only discover authenticity, but am more able to employ empathy, further aligning with Love—a state of low-entropy and a reflection of the divine. As the veil of illusion drops, so too does dogmatic separation, fear, and misconception. It is like becoming the sword, allowing the return to low-entropy.

For me, RV reveals the interconnectedness of all existence. Through practice, I not only discover authenticity, but am more able to employ empathy, further aligning with Love—a state of low-entropy and a reflection of the divine.

Although I’m far from being an expert, learning and practicing RV and growing through this practice has enhanced my life in many practical ways. Nowadays, my brakes don't have to be used as often when riding my bike (at least when I am in alignment). Information will often intuitively arrive before things happen, increasing calmness and inner peace. This, in turn, boosts my ability to be compassionate, which now predominates my reactions when traffic “challenges” arise. Green lights and a clear path to my destination are now a daily occurrence (and that’s a HUGE deal here in China, where the traffic is total chaos). Traffic occurrences may be used as a sort of meter of when in alignment and when not. 

Intuition is now more physically reflexive and natural. It’s as if I am reconnecting and re-integrating my subconscious (sub) into my conscious mind so that they merge to become super conscious. Re-integrating the sub feels like returning to a unified essence that was there all along. RV practice further improves re-integration of the sub, which enhances reflexive intuition during Kendo practice. Re-integrating establishes a state of flow, the body will know exactly what to do during free-sparring without thinking.

This communication enabled me to take my fifth Ladies Individual National Champion title.

It's not a perfect system yet, but it is improving. Recently, while competing, my sub communicated to me to be confident, calm, and relaxed even though I was injured, tired, and lacked belief in myself. This communication enabled me to take my fifth Ladies Individual National Champion title. Some may consider this “magical thinking,” but I know that listening to my sub changed my outcome. Re-integrating the subconscious through studying RV improves my quality of life daily and leads to a continual stream of synchronicities.

RV leads to reforging, refining, and polishing my coherent consciousness in order to fully reflect divinity, allowing me to give and create Love every day.

For these keys, I will forever be grateful to the Institute and to Joe McMoneagle, Beth Vaughan, and Marinda Stopforth. Thank you for all of the invaluable lessons that continue to teach.

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Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing II


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Joe McMoneagle

Monroe Residential Trainer

Joe McMoneagle, internationally renowned as a master remote viewer and author of four books on remote viewing has 47 years of professional and scientific expertise in research and development within numerous multi-level technical intelligence collection systems and in the field of the paranormal and the social sciences. He was an R&D consultant to SRI-International and Science Applications International Corporation, Inc. where he participated in protocol design, statistical information collection, evaluations, thousands of remote viewing trials in support of both experimental research as well as active intelligence operations for what is now known as Project STARGATE. Joe now shares his expertise by facilitating the Remote Viewing Program at The Monroe Institute, which trains participants to acquire and describe information seemingly separated from the “viewer” and his or her physical senses by distance, shielding, and/or time. It is Joe’s goal to insure that when participants leave the program, they will have a much deeper understanding for what remote viewing is, and a very large percentage of those attending will walk away knowing they had remote viewed under double-blind conditions and have tools to do so in the future.