Today, I encourage everyone—no matter who you are or where you are—to take a few minutes  to meditate, gently reminding yourself that you are enough. It can be hard in a fast-paced, sometimes cruel world to accept the fact that the only person whose opinion should matter about your life … is you! As we go through our days, we can get weighed down by the pressure and the opinions put on us by others. Sometimes, it may not seem like it gets to you, but after small bits of stress and judgment nip at you day after day, you may be surprised how much these things affect you before you even notice. So, today, I want to remind you that only your opinion matters in the end, and you are enough. This may seem cliché, but I firmly and fully believe that it’s true, and I hope after a nice meditation, you will, too.

When you get a chance, find a nice quiet spot to sit by yourself for a few minutes. First, breathe deeply and slowly and allow yourself to release some of the stress you may be holding. Then, call to mind all the things in your life that make you the happiest. Anything that brings a smile to your face, call it forth and feel gratitude for it. Do your pets bring you joy? What about your family? Are you grateful for your home and/or your career? Are you happy that you have great friends? Anything and everything that brings you joy, feel it! Cultivate that feeling of gratitude, and allow it to color your mood. I want you to live in the happiness that gratitude brings forth.

Confidence is key for thriving in this world, and we all have ample reasons to be confident in ourselves. Whenever you feel yours waning, I hope you remember this quick meditation and live in gratitude for your life and what makes you proud of yourself.

Now tell yourself, “I am enough.” You may not feel this fully at first, but let me explain. You are enough! Sometimes, it can be hard to just live in this world. By waking up and facing each day head on, you are strong. You are exactly who you need to be at this moment, and your higher self is here to make sure of it. You are not alone because you always have your guidance. Even if you’re not in the best headspace right now, know that this will pass. The universe is ever evolving, constantly moving, and you’re an integral part of it. You are a spark in this incredible existence, and you are special. We are all different. And we are all enough.

Sit in your meditation for a few minutes and repeat to yourself a few times with that feeling of gratitude, “I am enough.” Then, start listing your favorite qualities about yourself. Are you clever? Are you a great writer? Are you creative? Are you skilled at crafting? Are you brilliant at science? Whatever your strengths are, find them and call them forth. There is no trait too small. Call it forth and feel gratitude for it. Allow each positive trait to help you understand exactly why you are enough! Keep acknowledging your positive traits and allow them to brighten your perception until you can step back and look at yourself comprehensively and think, “Wow, I am enough!

Confidence is key for thriving in this world, and we all have ample reasons to be confident in ourselves. Whenever you feel yours waning, I hope you remember this quick meditation and live in gratitude for your life and what makes you proud of yourself. Call these things forth and learn to do so quickly. After you’ve done it enough, you’ll have an excellent tool ready to use during stressful or busy times.

But for today, I hope you take the time to try this meditation. You are enough. You are special, and you are strong!

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.