The first time I met Brian Dailey, MD, my co-trainer of the "Energy Medicine" program, we were enjoying one of the Friday night dinners at Fallen Oak, Jim and Ginna Colburn’s bed and breakfast on the New Land near the Monroe Institute. Over the years, many “Monrovians” had the pleasure of staying there either pre- or post-programs.

Brian entertained our table of about 10 with his jokes and stories. I remembered thinking at the time: “I would love to work with someone like Brian.” But I knew my idea was silly and farfetched and, well, very unlikely.

Fast forward about three years. I trained Brian and another medical doctor when I served as a Monroe Outreach Trainer. They later asked me to help them develop curricula for their wellness programs. You can imagine how gratified I was when Brian asked me to begin working with him. This was the beginning of a wonderful training partnership.

The power of observing, in real time, that our intentions do drive energetic outcomes can create pivotal shifts in one’s beliefs.

In 2017, Brian and I were offered an opportunity to bring our "Energy Medicine" program to Monroe! I was the sound technology expert and he was the energy healing expert. Brian kept trying to get me to step into the energy work side but I was very resistant. “You can handle that, Brian. I’ve got all these other things to do.

He continued to press me about it during every event.

I have to confess that some of my resistance was based on my own beliefs about the validity of one of Brian’s favorite energy healing modalities, Reiki. I mean, I had been “attuned,” as it’s called. I had not seen the benefit, nor could I figure out why so many thought it was a legitimate modality.

It only took about six months for me to do a complete 180, and before I knew it, I was not only teaching participants techniques, I was witnessing amazing results happening all around me. Observing transformations (dare I say, miracles?) is a powerful influencer, but what convinced me the most was much more concrete: biofield imaging (real-time imaging of the biological field) and scientific research results.

Biofield Imaging

Brian has been using biofield imaging technology for decades. He co-led investigations, workshops and events with the original creator, Dr. Harry Oldfield. Later, Brian also teamed up with another developer in the field, Dr. Thornton Streeter. Brian has read thousands of images and videos in clinical and workshop settings.

Using the biofield software we can “see” with our own eyes that changes are taking place within us. We are primarily focusing on the main energy centers in the body, the chakras. We also look at the overall field and our hands (when working with the energy of Reiki). The power of observing, in real time, that our intentions do drive energetic outcomes can create pivotal shifts in one’s beliefs.

Science Behind It!

Because we teach "Energy Medicine" many times a year, I listened to the “Science Behind It!” lecture over and over again. Let’s just say, initially I wasn’t listening intently. There were other things to do and, well, I wasn’t trying to change my mind about it. With each review, I began to understand more and more about how energy healing works. What I now know is—it’s measurable! It works!

Sometimes it’s hard to believe where I have currently landed following that one stream of desire that I put out to the universe while dining at Fallen Oak. Brian and I continue to teach We have invitations to return to Italy and England. We’re working on a trip to India for 2021. We also teach in the US, primarily in our regional locations in New York and Mississippi. Our favorite venue, of course, is the Monroe Institute.

Our first "Energy Medicine Virtual Retreat" begins July 25th! We are ready and eager to offer it through Monroe’s newly-developed virtual format. We’d love for you to join us!

Register for Energy Medicine now!


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Allyn Evans

Monroe Guest Trainer, Residential Trainer, Founding Local Chapter Network Chair, Professional Association Member

Allyn is a speaker, author, blogger, former university professor, former newspaper columnist and consultant. She earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Mississippi and an MBA from Texas Tech University. An Advanced Toastmaster, Allyn offers sound technology and related workshops in the United States and internationally. She serves clients in Jackson, Mississippi, when she is not teaching.