Malorie Mackey shares her experience as a recent graduate Monroe's Lifeline virtual retreat.

My Experiences in Lifeline Part 1

Death is such a broad, interesting topic. Throughout the history of mankind, death has been painted in many, many different lights. While we mourn and have trouble accepting death many times, there are other cultures that celebrate death as the next part of your spirit’s journey.

As a child, most people are told that when you die, your soul will go to a paradise. For me, I visualized that as a perfect copy of this physical world. Many times, our minds are so immersed in the physical world that we can’t understand what a spiritual world would really be like, look like, and feel like.  

So, what does happen when we die? It’s the age-old question, right?  Perhaps, that’s why so many people are drawn to the Lifeline program at the Monroe Institute. .. And it’s possible that by taking Lifeline, you’ll grow to have a very different perspective on the concepts of life, death and existence.

Then, as we get older, some people lose faith. They stop believing that their soul goes anywhere. While others cling to faith, these people see death as the end of existence, which, for some, can be the most frightening concept imaginable.

So, what does happen when we die? It’s the age-old question, right?  Perhaps, that’s why so many people are drawn to the Lifeline program at the Monroe Institute.

However, while many immediately associate Lifeline with death and retrieving lost souls, it is so much more than that. This program starts out allowing you to play, re-connect with yourself and receive any information you may need to hear. And it’s possible that by taking Lifeline, you’ll grow to have a very different perspective on the concepts of life, death and existence.

I took the Lifeline Virtual Retreat in early February 2021 and it was a roller coaster of a journey for me … but in a very good way. Lifeline easily started out as an introspective journey before it surprised me by turning into a lesson on the unlimited possibilities of the universe. I started small and expanded both my consciousness and my learning to an immense universal level. And I’m ready to share some of these details with you today. 

Refreshing our process

The first day or two of the program, I re-connected with myself, my expanded consciousness and the different Focus levels. I remembered how I feel in Focus 10. I remembered that, for me, when I begin spending time in Focus 12, I see it as a floating archway of possibilities. I remembered that Focus 15 appears to me as a dark void with cords all around, each showing me lifetimes I have lived and the possibilities of my life now that are to come. By watching my life and manifesting in Focus 15, which is a great place to manifest by the way, it helps me to gain a different and more real perspective on this lifetime and all others. Our problems look so very little from up there. In Focus 15, it’s easier to see what a “big picture” problem is and what isn’t. Simply put, I was able to refresh my process and reacquaint myself with the Focus levels I don’t usually spend a lot of time in.

I clearly saw hieroglyphics while I was in Focus 12. I traced my fingers on them in my mind and recorded them physically in my journal. That evening, after the day of exercises, I was able to look up the hieroglyphics I saw. Translated, they told the story of Horus

It was during this first day on my Lifeline journey that I received the most unusual message. I clearly saw hieroglyphics while I was in Focus 12. I traced my fingers on them in my mind and recorded them physically in my journal. That evening, after the day of exercises, I was able to look up the hieroglyphics I saw. Translated, they told the story of Horus (I do not know anything about hieroglyphics in this lifetime, by the way; this was just how I perceived this message and the symbols happened to be translatable.) I took the message and now have it to think on and grow. So, it is safe to say that before beginning retrievals I was fully able to reconnect with myself and my guidance, which turned out to be an important part of this journey for me.

Performing retrievals

Now, as I mentioned before, one of the main reasons people want to participate in Lifeline is to perform retrievals of those who are deceased and may be stuck or unable to move on. After all, we performed 5 retrievals in our Lifeline program, and it was very different and profound each time we did one. Before going into a retrieval, it’s safe to say that you will probably have a. preconceived notion of what will happen. I know I did. Well, I’m here to tell you that you will most likely be surprised by each of your retrievals. I was, every single time we did one. I never had the same experience twice. Sometimes, you do a retrieval as you pass through Focus 23 the first time on your way up to Focus 27, long before you are prompted to do one. Sometimes, you are drawn to those who are stuck. Other times, they are drawn to you. Sometimes, you even retrieve parts of yourself that you have lost.

It’s never the same experience, and I found that each retrieval changes to fit with or be the ideal experience for the person you are helping.

Sometimes, you will see the person you are retrieving in great detail. Other times, you will not see them at all; you will just receive a message in your head or have a strong feeling. As an empath, there were times I felt the physical pain that someone experienced when they died. Sometimes, I lived through their experiences as if I were them. Other times, I appeared in old-fashioned garb and walked with them arm in arm. It’s never the same experience, and I found that each retrieval changes to fit with or be the ideal experience for the person you are helping.

Some people thought that Focus 23 was a terrible place. I, however, saw it as a wonderful place. I saw the guidance, goodness and angels all around these “newcomers”; they were just disconnected from them. Once I shifted their perspective to understand and see the guidance, it would set them free.

One of my most unusual experiences happened with a woman named Chelsea. I arrived in Focus 27 first, as instructed. This is where we would start a retrieval and where we bring those we retrieve back to, if we can, though wherever they wind up is where they need to be at that time. As I arrived in 27, I asked for guidance, and a young woman named Chelsea appeared before me. I immediately knew her name and vividly saw her face. Chelsea said she would be my guidance for this. She told me that she was recently deceased. She said she was stuck in 23 for a while until she was retrieved by someone else, and she wanted to return the favor once or twice by helping before moving further in 27.

To my surprise, there was a young woman with her name who was killed in 2016. When I clicked on the news report, the face of the young woman in the photo was the exact face I saw of the woman who helped me perform the retrieval, and I was stunned.

Chelsea and I did a retrieval together. During the process, she had given me her last name. After the retrieval, I was curious, so I searched the internet for any sign of her. To my surprise, there was a young woman with her name who was killed in 2016. When I clicked on the news report, the face of the young woman in the photo was the exact face I saw of the woman who helped me perform the retrieval, and I was stunned. So, never doubt yourself. And never expect your retrievals to go as you plan. However, trust they will be exactly what they should be for you and those you are helping. Just by being there and experiencing 23, you are helping.

It was through these retrieval experiences and through familiar Focus levels that I was able to shift my viewpoint on death. No matter what happens in this life, we are so much more than just our physical bodies. As I began expanding myself into these higher states of consciousness, it was clear to me that there is so much more out there than just this physical world. Reconnecting with my process gave me this nice reminder. After spending time in Focus 15 and remembering so many lives I have experienced in the past, there’s no way the concept of death should be frightening to me or looming over my head. It became clear to me this is something I experienced before and would experience again.

Then, getting to experience Focus 27 and being able to visit these places people go when they pass makes the idea of death so much less frightening. It all becomes so familiar and peaceful. When something is familiar, there is much less fear behind the concept. This change in my thought process was able to prepare me for the rest of my journeys in the Lifeline program, journeys full of new discoveries. I went through a whirlwind of emotions and experiences during my Lifeline program, and I’ll tell you all about the rest of my adventures in my next post about Lifeline.


 If you're a Gateway graduate join us for our next Lifeline Retreat

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Malorie Mackey

Actress, author and adventurer

Malorie Mackey is an actress, host, and writer living in Los Angeles, CA. Malorie's first book was published in 2017 and her short story "What Love Has Taught Me" has been published in the anthology "Choices.” You can find Malorie’s travel content on dozens of digital media platforms. Check out for more. Malorie's adventures don't just encompass physical adventures. She has been a student of intuition since she was a teenager, studying at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. In 2019, Malorie discovered the Monroe Institute while filming her travel show. Since then, she has been studying the art and science of consciousness through many different programs and life experiences.