During my radiology residency, I became fascinated with MRI, a brand-new technology that allowed the structures inside our bodies to speak to us through radio frequencies, which were detected by the scanner and used to create amazing images. Many of my early patients complained of claustrophobia inside the magnet, so I learned hypnosis as an alternative to sedation with drugs. This unusual practice led to me calling myself a holistic radiologist, a term usually considered to be an oxymoron.

“… I feel there is much to be gained by reclaiming abilities such as visualization and dream interpretation …”

Throughout my career I have also been interested in low-tech ways of making a diagnosis as an alternative or complement to the high-tech methods that I use every day. Unfortunately, modern medicine has dismissed intuitive ways of knowing in favor of technology, and I feel there is much to be gained by reclaiming abilities such as visualization and dream interpretation that shamans have used for thousands of years. As I get older my passion and focus have shifted from imaging to imagery.

I have discovered Hemi-Sync® is a great way to use technology to facilitate these intuitive imagery processes through induction of an altered state of consciousness. Medical intuitive Winter Robinson was one of my first imagery teachers, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when she invited me to co-facilitate the Medical Intuition and Symbolic Dis-ease course with her at The Monroe Institute® in 2014. I had completed my Gateway Voyage program in 2007 and Winter had decades of intuitive experience and also had been a trainer at TMI.

Many illnesses find their origins in emotional traumas that get stuck in the body, referred to as somatic metaphors. My other mind-body-spirit training has been in acupuncture and hypnosis, which I now combine in an ideal way by using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for healing of what I refer to as symbolic diseases. EFT can release traumatic experiences that have been trapped in the acupuncture meridian system similar to the way malware programs can be removed from your computer.

"Many illnesses find their origins in emotional traumas that get stuck in the body, referred to as somatic metaphors."

In our workshop, Winter and I use intuitive imagery processes to access information about symbolic symptoms in other people and in ourselves. We begin each day discussing dreams from the previous night which expand the reach of our work far beyond our conscious minds. Often these insights get further clarification during the morning CHEC unit experiences with Winter’s voice guiding participants on their Hemi-Sync journeys. The debriefing sessions before lunch really pull it all together for the group.

After lunch, we explore ways to transform somatic metaphors with EFT using group and individual experiential demonstrations guided by intuitive insights. There are also opportunities to practice intuitive diagnosis with partners and unknown target patients. Each night after dinner we discuss a different one of the Chinese five elements to understand how this ancient symbolic system of mind, body, and spirit can be applied to our own lives while learning basic Qi Gong exercises.

Participants have commented that they often experience unexpected breakthroughs during the workshops in personal health issues that they have been struggling with for years. Sometimes these insights come through dreams, intuitive imagery, synchronicities or the EFT process. The magical interactions with other group members are also important, with many different backgrounds represented from healthcare practitioners to business professionals to spiritual seekers.

For an immersion experience, please join us and other intuitive adventurers at the Medical Intuition and Symbolic Dis-ease workshop this April or October.

Join Us To Tap Your Deepest Potential for Healing!
Medical Intuition and Symbolic Dis-ease




Have a little taste of the process of transformation experienced in the workshop—learn more about medical intuition and EFT:

Is Medical Intuition Real and Does It Work?

EFT and Memory Reconsolidation for Physical Illnesses

Short videos about the Chinese five elements and dream interpretation:

Understanding the Chinese Five Elements

Interpreting Dreams in Multiple Dimensions


For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this article visit our programs section or the store.


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Larry Burk, MD, CEHP

Monroe Guest Trainer

Larry Burk, MD, CEHP, is holistic radiologist and dream tapping coach, trained in hypnosis, acupuncture and EFT. He was co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine, a founding board member of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition and former board president of the Rhine Research Center. He is author of Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist and Dreams that Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases.