Exploration 27 (Virtual Retreat)
A cutting-edge exploration of where you came from, where you are going and your role in this life and beyond. Join us for this LIVE online virtual retreat.
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Consciousness explorer Robert A. Monroe defined Focus 27 as the area beyond the limits of the Earth Life System. Exploration 27 , known as X27 to Monroe Institute participants, takes you on a cutting-edge journey to a place of unlimited creation using audio-guidance technology.
Experience unexplored areas of consciousness. Your exploration takes you beyond The Park and Reception Center, which you explored in earlier Monroe retreats to four unexplored areas of consciousness. Explore the Education Center, Planning Center, Healing & Rejuvenation Center and Coordination Center in exquisite detail.
Discover your true self. Focus 27 is a very powerful state of awareness that offers vast opportunities to connect with creativity, information and healing on your quest for self-knowledge. It opens you to the universal love energy which encompasses all the peacefulness, joy and essence of your true self.
Receive insight into your personal journey. While in the Focus 27 centers, you’ll take away unexpected knowledge and insights to support your personal consciousness journey—past, present and future. Visitors like you frequently retrieve historical data, investigate artifacts and explore ideas for new creations. Don’t be surprised if you also connect with nonphysical intelligences. This is common when you use Focus 27 as a springboard for visiting Focus 34 and Focus 35.
Invite healing and regeneration. In this state of regeneration and rejuvenation, you may invite physical healing, emotional healing or release, forgiveness, or the chance to strengthen your basic life force. The choice is yours.
Explore your “I-there consciousness.” Never heard of I-there consciousness? It’s Bob’s term for an energetic composite of all your personalities and experiences from other lifetimes that have informed your understanding of the planet, the universe and yourself. It’s readily available to you in Focus 27.
Know where you came from and where you’re going. When you return from your journey beyond the Earth Life System, you’ll bring with you experiences from “there” that can be anchored “here.” You may sense a deeper connection to daily life, a greater awareness and understanding of yourself, or a clearer understanding of reality. Many people bring back a new skillset that includes better exploratory skills and stronger nonphysical communication skills.
How it works
- Exploration 27 Virtual Retreat is a 5½ day real-time interactive online retreat.
The daily schedule is based on each virtual retreat's specific time zone.
- Day 1 begins at 3 pm with an overview, introductions, logistics and an audio exercise. The day ends at 6 pm.
- Days 2-6 begin at 9:00 am. Each day is different and includes 3-4 audio meditation exercises, activities, videos, and short presentations with a break for lunch. Each day ends at 6:15 pm.
- If you are choosing a date not in your time zone you may calculate your local time here.
- The program will be conducted using Zoom meeting, a popular online platform for video conferencing and interactive online instruction. Audio exercises will be streamed through the Zoom platform and also available for streaming through your Monroe account during the retreat.
- Reliable internet connection with a recommended minimum internet speed of 5 Mbps for streaming the exercises. Speed test your internet https://www.speedtest.net/
- You will need headphones and a computer with a camera and microphone for video communications Over-ear wired stereo headphones or high-quality earbuds are recommended with a cord long enough to reach the place where you will be listening to the exercises.
- To ensure you have true stereo sound, you can use this Audio Test. You should hear a pulsating frequency from ear to ear.

The audio exercises used in this program feature the original binaural beat hemispheric synchronization exercises developed by Robert A. Monroe as well as the latest generation of our neural entrainment audio technology, Monroe Sound Science. They were designed to facilitate specific states of expanded awareness relevant to this program and are not available for commercial resale.
Grab your headphones, find a quiet place to relax and enjoy this free audio sample. Experience the deep relaxation and instantaneous expanded meditative state of Monroe's neural entrainment technology.
Learn more about the history of Monroe's neural entrainment technology >
What You Get
In addition to the program materials and audio exercises, you will receive the following benefits.

Trainer Facilitation
Throughout your program a Monroe trainer will be there to answer your questions and support and guide you.

Additional Audio Exercises
Continue your exploration once the program has ended with a take home audio exercise.

Qualifies as a Prerequisite
Certain Monroe programs require a prerequisite. Completion of this program will allow you to attend the next level of advanced programming.
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Please make sure the program you are registering for is held in your time zone.
US Eastern Standard Time
Eastern Daylight Time (US & CAN)