Comience su viaje en Monroe 8 Programs

Estos programas son el primer paso para aprender las poderosas herramientas de Monroe para acceder y utilizar estados expandidos de conciencia para vivir una vida óptima.

Elige tu propia aventura 10 Programs

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All programs ${ filtered_products.length } Programs

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${ }

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Question 0${ active_question + 1} / 0${ questions.length }

${ question.label }

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Individual Programs ${ filtered_products.length } Programs

Monroe offers many ways to begin your journey, providing options suited for a variety of levels and areas of interest. Complete these ${ questions.length } simple questions to find the program best suited for you.

${ product.collection }
Prerequisite Required
${ product.title }
${ product.description }...

${ product.length_lab ? product.length_lab + ' /' : '' } ${ product.price }

${ product.collection }
Prerequisite Required
${ product.title }
${ product.description }...

${ product.length_lab ? product.length_lab + ' /' : '' } ${ product.price }