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Meditating With My Eyes Open

This evening, as the day began to cool, I laid back in my hammock to breathe in and conduct a nice, calming meditation in Focus 12. I decided to me...

Understanding How Past Lives Can Color Your Future

Have you ever heard Winston Churchill’s famous phrase, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it?” I think it’s imperative to s...

How We Plant the Seeds of Creation

When I think of manifestation, I think of actively working towards a goal through my intentions. However, I’ve recently discovered that so much of ...

How Resonant Tuning Helps You Connect More Easily With Higher States

Resonant Tuning, an essential part of the Monroe preparatory process, is one of the first techniques we learn in Gateway Voyage. This tool uses bre...

The Powerful Benefits of Mindfulness

We’ve spoken about mindfulness before, and I’m sure we’ll speak about it again. Mindfulness is not only a trending topic in the world of meditation...

Using Tools in Meditation

Throughout my years as a frequent meditator, I’ve heard about myriad ways in which people utilize tools in their meditation practices. Some use cry...

How Monroe Meditation Has Helped Me Control My Anxiety

In a stress-inducing, ever-connected world, anxiety has been on the rise. The Mental Health Foundation reports that from 2018-2019 anxiety was at a...

All You Need To Know About Bilocation—and Beyond!

The term ‘bilocation’ has a rather broad and confusing concept associated with it, as many think it means having physical bodies in two places at o...

Training Your “Magical Mindset”

One of my favorite sayings is that anything we consider magic is just a science yet to be discovered. Case in point: a few hundred years ago, peopl...

What To Do When Your Heart and Your Mind Are at Odds

Something that’s come up in my life with common recurrence is the idea of contradiction. We humans are walking forms of contradiction. It’s all too...

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